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Locksmith Opportunity



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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:22 am

Locksmith Opportunity

I honest to god, could not find a better place to post this on this forum. Maybe someone can make it an announcement or something? I don't know, I didn't know where it best fit. Thanks in advance to any mod that has to move it.

I know a lot of folks on here are also locksmiths, and I know based on many conversations that this means that work is often unsteady, shady, and miserable depending on where you're at.

So I happened to get an alert about a job today, and I wanted to make certain it got to some of the folks I know and care about, even if I don't post here much any more.

Denver's International Airport has opened a position for a permanent, full-time, locksmith.

The job will pay somewhere between $39,000 and $57,000 annually, and the benefits are amazing. Paid vacation, paid sick time, matching retirement plan, health, dental, vision, and a whole slew of other shit.

You also get the benefit of working in a stable, safe, position that will be around until airplanes are obsolete.

I imagine most of the job is unlocking abandoned cars or letting people back into their cars if they lost their keys during travel. No more dark alleys or shady transactions, employers that send you on jobs and then don't pay you or that make you buy your own tools and then don't reimburse you. This is good, safe, steady work from a company who frankly, doesn't even care if you're profitable. They just need the people to be able to get into their cars and get the Hell out of there.

To find out more about the job or how to apply, follow this link:


Once there, the jobs are listed alphabetically, and the first word is "Locksmith" so it should be in the "L" portion of the job postings.

The job closes on the 18th of January, and today is the 3rd. The job just got posted today, so they're obviously not taking applications for very long, which tells me they're trying to fill this position quickly.

There are a lot of good people in this community, so I wanted to make certain you guys all saw the posting. This would be an amazing job, with great benefits and a very comfortable salary.

I wish the very best of luck to any of you that choose to apply. Please let me know if anyone here happens to land an interview, or better yet, gets the job.


Familiar Face

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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:34 am

Re: Locksmith Opportunity

Oh shit, right below the job I just posted is a listing for a locksmith - a full-time locksmith - for the Denver Sheriff's Department.

Same pay range. And the benefits are even better for cops than they are for everyone else in the government. So apply to that one too.


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:44 pm

Re: Locksmith Opportunity

Awesome job opportunity. I moved this to the professional locksmith forum for you :P
PhoneMan: I always knew I'd say something stupid and it would be someone's sig
macgng: i am an equal opportunity pervert
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If life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.


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Post Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:05 pm

Re: Locksmith Opportunity

cool find, but as i read the discription 10000+ locking devices... dont think youll have much time unlocking ppls cars. I worked at a casino once (not as a locksmith, but as a slot tech), we had keys that were secured, if you carried them out of sight of the cameras all the locks on the boat had to be rekeyed. im sure this is the same way.

other than that, but bet you'll be installing lots of card access systems.

anyway get the job, and hook me up with some free tickets, so i can come see my boy peyton play some football.


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Post Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:55 pm

Re: Locksmith Opportunity

I doubt that you will touch a car. I work at the Greater Cincinnati Airport as a locksmith. There is plenty of work in the buildings. I haven't touched a car in 15 years of working here, except for some of the clowns I work with! lol! By comparison we are small, but still have 2300 doors, 300 handicap doors and 300 garage type doors. Then you have locks, closers, hinges, thresholds, office furniture, perimeter gates, and on and on......... Who needs automotive work? This is a great job, a co-worker used to work in Denver and said it is a great place to work. He moved back here to be near family. Good luck to whoever tries for this.
"All ye who come this art to see / to handle anything must cautious be...." Benjamin Franklin

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