Pin Tumbler Impressioning Woes
I have been getting into lock impressioning and started with a cheap wafer lock in a LaGard safe dial. I was able to remove the cylinder and checked my progress a couple of times but did all the cutting with impressioning. I did succeed on that lock. I decided at that point to try a pin tumbler and have been working on one of the cheap brass Master locks. I worked on my key for many hours and failed to get the lock to open. I then decided to look at the key to the lock which I had stashed at the beginning without looking. It appears the bitting is 2, 3, 1, 5, 7 and my key is more like 3, 5, 3, 2, 3. I am obviously nowhere near the right key. I am marking the top of the key with black sharpie, inserting it into the lock, binding it and then bumping it once. I then bind it the other way and bump again. I usually bump both up and down about 3-4 times per side before looking for marks. I cut where I "see" marks. I must be interpreting the marks incorrectly. Any tips? I appreciate it.