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Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:22 pm
by Site Admin
[center](woohoo) KAI!!!! (woohoo)[/center]

Congratulations mate, it was your second entry that had the highest rating so thats the one that was put through

You, Ratyoke and wozzlock(Bender) all reached the final and your entrys were then reviewed by Alan the CEO of and here was his verdict:

Hi lew,well i've had a look and in all honesty everyones picks were just fantastic but i'm gonna have to go with kai as the winner, my reasons for this are the natural materials used and it has such a nice shape, imagine the feel, its a fine home made.
i'm really proud of everyone for making the effort.

looking forward to sending the winner his goso set, i have it right here - waiting to be sent.

if you could just let everyone know from me that i really appreciate them taking the time out to enter and that everyones picks were fantastic. thanks lew

So there you go. congratulations to everyone for entering and to ratyoke and Wozzlock for reaching the final.

All is not lost however because for all your troubles and taking the time out to enter, Alan has decided to send you all 2 picks each just to say thank for your time.

So if you'd like to PM your addresses then i'll send them on to alan and they will be in the mail for you as soon as.


Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:38 pm
by Josh
congrats kai (woohoo) (woohoo) (woohoo)

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:42 pm
by Jinglesanator
GO KAI!!!! (woohoo) :D (woohoo)

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:27 pm
by ToolyMcgee
I'm actually kind of surprised, but probably shouldn't be. That was one fine looking pick, and the first really involved wooden handle I have seen. Congradulations Kai. Enjoy those picks.

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:35 pm
by awol70
great job,kai...pick long and prosper. =)

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:36 pm
by HallisChalmers
Kai, congrats man, you did a great job and I hope you enjoy the picks!

As for all the other contestants that took time out of their schedules to work on your entries and send them in, well, all I can say is thanks.

I would like to encourage each one of you to continue honing your talents and learn by doing and teaching others.

That's what we're in this hobby for - to pass our knowledge to the next group of pickers and lend a hand when help is needed.

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:08 am
by Kai
OMG!! Can't believe I won. Many thanks to you Alan and all the mods for holding the competition. I enjoyed making the picks and appreciate the recognition.

Everyone submitted very well made entries and I really didn't think I had much of a chance against such great craftsmanship. Hats off to Ratyoke and Wozz. Thanks again to all for the kind words.


Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:08 am
by Wozzlock
Ah well done Kai I'm made up for ya mate! (woohoo) ...and it seems me and Ratyoke win a prize too!
Thanks to Lew, Alan and all the mods for putting on such a great competition.

Right, I'm off to check everyones entrys.

PS: had an interview this morning and got myself a new job as well and it's not even 10am... this day ROCKS!!!

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:26 am
by Snor
Congratulations! (woohoo) (woohoo) (woohoo)

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:33 pm
by m0ose
Con to the grats man! Rock on, you deserved it! Wood of all things! Totally goes to you! :P

Re: Goso Pickset Competion Winner Is........

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:56 pm
by frantic57744
congrats kai stunning picks boy would i love one of those babies (woohoo)