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A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums




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Post Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:34 pm

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

Not every thing in advanced is actually high security, some of it is hidden there because its about really lame locks that need security by obscurity, in a sort of 'we cant put this on the internet, kids will steal bikes people will open sheds..
easy bypasses etc.
Probably is justifiable from a point of view of keeping temptation from the immature and not getting the site mixed up in any controversy that results from some unscrupulous actor getting information traceable to the site before doing something they shouldn't
Real crooks are typically not interested in anything but crude but effective smash and run stuff. with a few exceptions I suppose.


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Post Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:13 pm

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

gnarus8429 wrote:The only problem with LP101 that I have is the advanced forum. To judge someones moral charter by a certain number a posts is silly. I'm willing to bet that someone who wanted access to all of those secrets (that are all on youtube) could fool the site admins by posting useful info a few times. You yourself said dang near everyone gets approved. To say that screening people like this promotes any sort of security is like saying the kwikset will protect my house from being robbed.

The only sort of real information security happens here like it does every place else : personal choices about what to share. I have had plenty of discussions about topics in a PM that were not appropriate for the public forum. This is a GREAT forum and I owe a beer to all the people that put work into it, we all do. Your doing it right please keep up the good work. This is the best resource for picking that I have ever seen. I have learned more from all the people here than anyplace else that I have been that goes for the internet and government run courses.

I'll take some westvletteren or maybe some good REAL lambic none of this st louis/lindeman's overly sweet stuff... I'm talking pucker your face for a week shit!
"Cave ab homine unius libri" - Beware of anyone who has just one book

(2014.02.09 - 23:26:03) huxleypig: i freaking love cream
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:11) huxleypig: hey, come on, cream is nice
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:37) huxleypig: aww, i suddenly feel very sick

(23:37:46) LocksmithArmy: you should see my school girl outfit
(23:37:50) LocksmithArmy: wait... what

(13:19:50) xeo: that chick will never be satisfied by a real dick
(13:19:54) NNFAK: I would man...

(22:59:49) PhoneMan: how do you let a forum die if users keep using it? kill the servers?

May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping

If someone had prince albert in a can, does that mean they'd have a killer codpiece?

(00:52:02) WolfSpring: elbow could sell a sandbox to an egyptian


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Post Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:27 pm

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

the lockpickkid wrote:Too anybody upset about not being accepted to the advanced part of lp101, i assure you, its just a carrot that they like to dangle in front of you. I was accepted long ago and was dissapointed!

Hey LPK! Good to see ya around... I mostly agree. There are some nice nuggets in there that may even belong there, but for the most part IMHO much of what is there belongs in the open forums. But that is a difference in site philosophy. Take em or leave em, they are a good resource especially if you use google to search instead of the broken internal search.
"Cave ab homine unius libri" - Beware of anyone who has just one book

(2014.02.09 - 23:26:03) huxleypig: i freaking love cream
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:11) huxleypig: hey, come on, cream is nice
(2014.02.09 - 23:27:37) huxleypig: aww, i suddenly feel very sick

(23:37:46) LocksmithArmy: you should see my school girl outfit
(23:37:50) LocksmithArmy: wait... what

(13:19:50) xeo: that chick will never be satisfied by a real dick
(13:19:54) NNFAK: I would man...

(22:59:49) PhoneMan: how do you let a forum die if users keep using it? kill the servers?

May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping

If someone had prince albert in a can, does that mean they'd have a killer codpiece?

(00:52:02) WolfSpring: elbow could sell a sandbox to an egyptian



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Post Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:31 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

For those that don't know what Lp101 restricts access to its what they consider Advanced Locks Information.

Combo, Electronic & Safes
Automotive Locks and Picks
High Security Locks
Advanced Lock Pick Tools

Some of the informnation already posted on these subjects found there is pretty good and of definite interest to some of us. Some of us have different interests so I personally believe that it is more that a carrot to tease users.

I know that I have found many posts of interest to me and got my questuions answered that only could have happened with my advanced area access. LP101 for all its faults has some amazingly knowlegable users who are very helpfull.

What can be very fustrating howecver is that many members are denied getting answers to their questions from some of the very knowlegeable experts on that site because
they lack access to the advanced forum where these questions are allowed.

Just the other day someone there wanted imformation on starting a lockout service. From his post he clearly needed some good advice on what tools to buy.
One of the mods made it very clear that this was not a subject for the public forums.

I was wondering what would have happened if I had posted a message to th guy to come on over to keypicking if he wanted help as we don't have those topics restricted.
I suspect that my post would have been very quickly deleted and I may have been banned.


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Post Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:47 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

You know, you could just start telling people that KP is the advanced section of LP101.
"What if you people made giant boulders illegal because of all the innocent people who get killed by giant boulders?"
"People dont kill people with giant boulders"
"They will if you take away their assault rifles"



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Post Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:15 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

KP is lockpicking 201 the sophmore course


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OldddffAASSTT the Spin Master Extraordinaire and American Lock Slayer
OldddffAASSTT the Spin Master Extraordinaire and American Lock Slayer

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Post Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:24 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

Very interesting read! Thanks for the history and what you've seen over the years MBI.
Kinda funny.... after reading this whole thread.... this is what stood out to me most. lol

MBI wrote:....I got more involved in the forums than I had been before, and happened to be in the right place at the right time when this forum nearly closed its doors about a year ago. Hallis had done a great job keeping things running but was ready to step down, so elbowmacaroni, myself and jruther2 agreed to split the costs of running the forum three ways so we could keep it operating. I was surprised at how high the bills were, and that HC had shouldered most of that burden himself as there were hardly ever any donations coming in....

This reminds me... it's time to give my yearly donation!!
It's also time I DOUBLE what I've given in previous years.

When I think of what I've given compared to what I've received... I've made out like a bandit!
The information, experience, entertainment, and comaraderie I take from this forum and all
you guys here........ FAAAAAAR outweighs the money I've been able to afford to donate.

Yesterday, I was unable to access the forum. Dunno if it was my computer, or the site.....
but it made me think of what it would be like if this forum went down. I DIDN'T like the thought!!
It actually made me a little sick to my stomach LOL. What is this site worth to YOU?!
" Enjoy the journey AS MUCH as the destination."


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Sargent Mossberg
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Post Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:18 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

What Oldfast said. It was actually worrisome not being able to go on the site all day yesterday! I really enjoy the community, skills I have learned, and most importantly, the friends I have made.
I have just made a contribution as well to keep the site running!
femurat: They're called restricted for a reason...
Innerpicked: The more keys you carry, the more important you look
GWiens2001: Great video! Learned a lot about what fun can be had with a forklift and a chainsaw.
pmaxey83: but i first have to submit the proper forms for a new hobby to my wife


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The Prestigious and Powerful Porcine Prelate

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Post Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:03 pm

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

I agree with many on here regarding the 'advanced' section on LP101. From the start (and I registered there long before I ever even found keypicking) I was annoyed by what seemed like blatant elitism. Now I know the rules have changed a bit I now feel a bit more incentive to go there more and contribute until I get the required number of posts. But then again I don't see why I should. It's like they're now making nothing more than a token effort to appear to be trying to weed out any bad apples when in reality it just seems to me to be an exercise in futility. I'm sure any potential 'bad apples' can make 40+ posts without saying anything incriminating! Hell, if someone really wanted to break into a house or whatever then the nearest brick is much more handy than picking the lock! And I think this analogy extends to most things in the advanced section.

Most annoying for me is that the locks I now play with the most are considered high security and as such if I wanted to talk about them I'd have to waffle about low security locks for a while just to do so. Seems a bit pointless.

Regarding what this place means to me - well, I'd be gutted if this place went and I mean gutted. I'd have to go and waffle about crap on lp101!


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Post Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:35 pm

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

I tried to join a site a couple years ago cant remember the name of it
they asked me for my business license address and where i live,
so i gave them all the info and in return they turned me down
they sent someone out to my house and said there was no such place and there was no vehicle with locksmith signs
so long story short they lost some one that was willing to help others out the best I could
yes we all don't know everything and when help is needed the members of this site gives all they can
I would not visit any other site now that I am here
thanks for such a great site
Yes we do need to have sections that may need to be for PRO'S only
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Post Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:25 pm

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

Russ wrote:they sent someone out to my house

"What if you people made giant boulders illegal because of all the innocent people who get killed by giant boulders?"
"People dont kill people with giant boulders"
"They will if you take away their assault rifles"


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Post Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:09 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

Aedalas wrote:
Russ wrote:they sent someone out to my house


I think if I remember it was Clear Star
They also wanted some references to verify who I am

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Post Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:11 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

Russ wrote:I think if I remember it was Clear Star
They also wanted some references to verify who I am


"1-year $75" along with blinking gif ads all over the page? looks like a low grade attempt to make money online that never graduated from the 1990s.

From the site- ""Locksmiths and Safe Technicians -Click Here- No Scammers allowed""


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Post Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:39 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

verz wrote:
Russ wrote:I think if I remember it was Clear Star
They also wanted some references to verify who I am


"1-year $75" along with blinking gif ads all over the page? looks like a low grade attempt to make money online that never graduated from the 1990s.

From the site- ""Locksmiths and Safe Technicians -Click Here- No Scammers allowed""

1 year = $55 http://www.clearstar.com/obtain/index.htm
I saw 1 blinking gif ad advertisng a locksmith related product.... the rest were not blinking and advertised locksmith conventions. Am I missing something ?


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Post Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:57 am

Re: A Few Thoughts on Lockpicking Forums

Don wrote:1 year = $55 http://www.clearstar.com/obtain/index.htm
I saw 1 blinking gif ad advertising a locksmith related product.... the rest were not blinking and advertised locksmith conventions. Am I missing something ?

Yes, I think you are missing somethings.

The home page has 39 gif image files I see at least 5 blinking I can't look anymore because I was starting to see double and blurry due to the white background and blinking small images.

Maybe you are special or a member of other groups and get $55 but looks like $75 for me?


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