Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:20 pm by mastersmith
Lever rigs are a bit tough to control in real hard plate. The pressure isn't really a straight line so it tends to "float" a bit. On old containers it will work great ( tho some of the manganese plate is a bear!). Modern containers are easier with a drill press type rig. Mine is pretty simple, a box with eye bolts on the side that you attach with turnbuckles. Total size is about 8"X8"X10", longer on one side because of adjustable feet. The drill chuck assembly is longer, maybe 14"-16". If I had known how it was made before I purchased it, I would have made one. Sorry I can't give you a picture, I'm not much of a techy. Yes a lever rig would be easier to make, but a press style rig is more versatile (and easier on the drillers body too! Lever rigs can wear your butt out!). I'll have to check into getting some pics up to show the simplicity of my rig. Good luck uturn.
"All ye who come this art to see / to handle anything must cautious be...." Benjamin Franklin