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Derringer & Zebra Wallet Pens and Pencil



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Post Sat Dec 10, 2016 7:32 am

Derringer & Zebra Wallet Pens and Pencil

Hey guys. Cool gift idea for yourself, spouse or a friend....

Derringer Wallet Pen




I have had one of these little pens in my wallet since 2009. Only on my second ink refill. It comes in handy all the time. Never know when you are gonna need a pen. Also you are going to need a tiny piece of paper, well I got you covered there too.... You can get a mini keychain storage case for a single pill (think tylenol) from most pharmacies, cut a strip of paper to fit, roll it up and you are good to go. ;)

Amazon has the "Zebra" Brand Wallet Pen (and Pencil, which I also recommend) which is pretty much the same thing but it is from a Japanese company for a bit cheaper.

I have used both brands and the pencil, given them as gifts. AND my wife was jelly so i got her a set of the Zebra brand from eBay as a present and she really likes them for those rare times she is caught with out something to write with.

More pix:

Thanks for looking and if you have your own favorite "mini pen(cil)" please share! thanks! ;)
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Post Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:34 am

Re: Derringer & Zebra Wallet Pens and Pencil

I have the Zebra -701 pen. I love it as a daily user; my wife has one as well, and we bought 2 for my grandson.

My wife and I both have Montblanc Meisterstuck 146s, but they are only for special writings. For daily useage, it is the Zebras...
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