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Golden Mean Deadbolt (Earliest version of the MAXIS Lock)



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Post Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:21 am

Golden Mean Deadbolt (Earliest version of the MAXIS Lock)

Hey Guys,

I made a video about a Golden Mean Padlock I found several weeks ago, but I recently acquired an even earlier example of the lock in a Deadbolt assembly format.

With this lock we can see a clear evolution of the Key design that would eventually become the Maxis Lock.

The pieces themselves are awesome because I received them in their original packaging and they have never been used. They still work very smoothly and come with all the accessories!

Here is the video Demo:



Got one on Ebay now if anyone is interested in getting one for their collection.


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Post Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:07 pm

Re: Golden Mean Deadbolt (Earliest version of the MAXIS Lock

I like the lock, but when I see that latch, all it says is "I'm a cheap piece of imported "j**k"


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Post Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:34 am

Re: Golden Mean Deadbolt (Earliest version of the MAXIS Lock

Yeah~ definitely not for high security purposes, but mainly a cool piece of lock history and design.

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