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Souvenir from Austria

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:10 am
by femurat
I've been on a long trip with my bike and friends and spent a couple days in Villach, a very nice city in Austria.
I visited a local locksmith shop where I met a very nice guy, who was not shocked by the fact that I collect locks. He was very kind and sold me a Burg Wachter Magno made in Austria.

Despite the lock looks well built, it was a very easy pick. The bittings of my key is not difficult but it felt too easy to be true. I used one of the first picks I made, it's my favorite one for padlocks. I picked it a few times without being sure I touched all the pins. At first I was afraid it was missing a pin or two in the back, but then I picked it a few more times and noticed that I do need to pick all the pins. I didn't notice security pins but maybe the binding order helps me avoid noticing a false set.
From a DE point of view is a very good lock, with double locking system and rustproof interior.
Here it is, I edited the contact info of the shop that sold me the lock.




Here are some love padlocks hanging on the fence of the small bridge that crosses the Drau, I should have taken this picture a little closer...


A quite common here, looks a cheap one but has a nice logo


An Italian Viro with a little luggage lock attached to it, dunno if the couple had a child and added the small padlock to their old one or somebody just attached the small one to it


This one looks like a purposely made love padlock, without a keyway. I think you buy it opened and close it just once!


And here is a side door of the local church, with a very detailed keyhole cover, but it's just a decoration: there is no hole in the "keyhole".



Cheers :)

Re: Souvenir from Austria

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:50 am
by MrAnybody
Nice pics, fem. Especially that custom love lock. Great idea. And I would love to get my hands on one of those Viro 105 (80mm) one day.

I also had a Magno that was far too easy.

Thanks for sharing that. Really cool.

Re: Souvenir from Austria

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:48 am
by femurat
Thanks man. It's a shame I can't make to lockcon this year, otherwise I would have brought a brand new viro for you... I'm sure you have something interesting to trade :mrgreen:

Cheers :)