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Mysterious tesa t60 clone?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:09 pm
I met this strange lock on the internet today, and it somehow looks peculiar.



It reminds us (we've been brainstorming with MrAnybody) to Tesa T60, but it's called something else. The blanks seem to be the same as T60, and genuine Tesa-s as far as I can tell from those pictures.
But MrAnybody pointed out the the Tesa typeset is different than usual on the box and on the card. The abloy logo is also a bit strange, it lacks the usual 2 lines separating it from the company name.

MrAnybody also pointed out that Tesa does not make a model called Mega 6 plus. Neither he nor I can remember a type called that in the past and It can't be too old since it has Abloy name on it.

Why would anyone fake box, and keycard (maybe even keys)? It needs considerable research and time and effort, with no gain whatsoever, since the price hike of a fake box and keycard would be minimal on the site he was trying to sell it. Definitely not worth going that distance.
And if one is faking a box why not fake an original one? It would be much easier than designing a new one...
The box and card looks a bit shabby for a genuine T60 (apart from the fact that T60 usually comes with a little hanging, oval metal plate instead of a card), but it is too good to be a fake.
So I'm more thinking that it is not a fake. But what is it then?

My guess is that it may be a re-branded Tesa version for faraway third world markets, but we are befuddled...
Why rebrand and manufacture a differently named version?

Does anyone have any idea, or even better facts, solving this lock mystery? :)

Re: Mysterious tesa t60 clone?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:25 pm
by MrAnybody
Nicely done, ARF.

Yeah, I just don't get this. As far as I can tell the key bow is from TESA before Abloy bought them up. But the branding supposedly from Abloy. But that doesn't fit either as the font designs are wrong too.

Looks like a T60 to me. I also don't think TESA did a brushed metal finish on their cylinders when they were an independent company, but this certainly has, while the bow on the key looks like pre-abloy.

The pieces just don't fit for me. Anyone help out to make this all fit? Or are me and ARF missing the obvious here?

Re: Mysterious tesa t60 clone?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:27 pm
Hah, I just got an idea: maybe the lock and the keys are not corresponding to the box? The box might be some different third world model, and the keys and locks are kust a T60. But then the picture on the box corresponds to the T60's 3D model...