Post Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:07 pm

Dutch Lock Safari <pic heavy lock porn :) >

Hi fellow lock appreciators,

I had the luck of spending a few days in the Netherlands and I tried to snap a few pics of locks I saw.
There were a lot of interesting good locks around there, I was impressed by the Dutch :D

It will be more on the lock porn side, not much explanation just pics.
I hope you enjoy.

A nice Ruko2 padlock on one of the numerous bridges (I hguess it's the control panel)

An interesting DOM with that definding plate (it's everywhere there) with their local SKG cerification (3 starts, teh highes in this case)
I heard the SKG certification is well thought out and serious, and can be depended on (like VDS), correct me if I'm wrong.

A middle class lock, a Mauer Elite2, 6 pins, not too hard.

A BAB lock, I don't know this type, as always feel free to correct me and fill out the holes :)
Especially in these cases where I don't know much at all from a lock :D

A cool old chest :)

The city keys Amsterdam gave to Napoleon, gold plated silver.

3 locks on the same door, the Dutc hare generally very well defended wtih locks, several locks are not uncommon. We see a Zeiss ikon on the left, then CIsa, standrd stuff, but then a strange unique Zeiss ikon lock, very common there but I haven't seen elsewhere before. Could someone provide some detaisl about that one? The one with the oval plate and round hole?
More on these topics later :)

A closeup of one of the Ziess Ikons from the previous picture.

A close-up of the other Zeiss Ikons. Again if you know sth about this lock please speak up and post, caus it looks very unique to me :)
I presume it's a cruciform lock (thanks for the name Mech :D )

A nice little ASSA :)

One of the highlights: a cool VIDEX Cyberlock :D

A medeco Biaxial on a little lift at a museum.
Couldn't get a close-up the guard was already eyeing me funnily.

A fun, french looking pump lock, unkown, please ID if you can :)

Hahaha this shop had 7 locks on tha weak little door. 7 locks is an overkill even in my eyes :D And I don't say that often :D
What is the thingy on the top corner I marked wit ha question mark? It looked like the little control panel for the sliding grid, but there was no grid...

Nice profile haha :D probably Ankerslot , but could be Gege, wiknhaus or Zeiss Ikon as well.

Another mean profile, can't read the name but kas 2 SKG stars.

Another gem, never seen Ikon/Abloy Verso Cliq-s on apartments before :shock:
Love it! Should get one myself.

Gege ANS-2

A net and secure idea: rolling spikes on a few tubes, more secure than barbed wire and much better looking as well.

And ankerslot Inline I think. About ankerslot: the last lockmaker who actually makes lock in the Netherlands, nice high qualtiy stuff. This one is also knwon as MIWA, also made by the Japanese.
Ankerslot also cooperated with Gera in the past, they have the same locks branded differently with a few models.

A Lovely 3SKG star version of Evva 3ks, a beauty, my heart is melting lol :D

Another 3ks, sorry I love them :oops: , and a local Ankerslot.

An interesting Zeis ikon. Not sure what model exactly, but that cross like profile looks promising.

What you see here is another interesting lock. It's basically a Keso (not sargent keso, the one our American friends have, but the original, (Swiss) one :) )
Lips also makes them, they are essentially the same lock with a different name.
This one is the Keso/LIPS 2000 omega, where Omega indicates an interactive pin in the key.
A good, secure lock.

This one here is a close sister, and a good opportunity to show what's the difference between the 2000 omega and the 2000S omega.
The S has a burred shoulder which can be left at the middle at the left or at the right. So you can have with the exact same keying 2 different locks and keys not fitting to the other lock. Like in the Gege ANS-2
That is what S stands for :)

I hope you enjoyed my little lock safari slideshow, corrections, suggessions and addtions are most welcome :)
To infinity... and beyond!
Arfspeak: calnin cladycomes: you allow her key in themodning
Equals in plain English: cleaning lady comes: you allow her key in the morning