Re: Help Identifying Combination Lock on Chubb-Mosler-Taylor
3KidsSafeCrackers wrote:These are plots I took trying to find low spots in the wheel packs, saw this idea on this forum, find a low that isn't a gate and try and work down through low points to find a gate. I did it in 5 number increments except for wheel 4 where I inspected in more detail around 10.
The effort seems to have quit producing gains and I'm stumped. I will say that the contact points are much more pronounced when W4 is at 10. First image is the raw data plotted all on one chart. Second is the Area (12-6 roughly)
Is there a reason why we are checking only in increments of 5? In my experience, this lock will probably indicate if you are slightly over an increment away, but not two. I’d recommend graphing in increments of 2 or 2.5. I use 2 because 2.5 requires a bit extra care.
Second question: if you are really graphing a gate that’s indicating inside the contact area, you might feel an extra resistance in the contact area while turning through it. If so, you can double check which wheel that gate is on by dragging consecutively larger numbers of wheels through that area.
Attaching one of the few graphs I ever made haha, I just don’t enjoy graphing. This is the same model lock as yours (probably), although it had been recently cleaned so likely easier than yours. Not sure if it’s helpful, other than to show this lock is not necessarily so precise, probably just dirty. That can make it more difficult.