Stack On gun safe manipulation
Said they got it years ago and it sat in the garage unused with the dial taped.
Their little Daughter took the tape off and turned the dial and they didn't know where they put the combo.
It is direct entry so I installed a digital level on the handle.
Felt 2 wheels besides the cam.
Checked the offsets L&R which were 2-1/4 cam to W2 and 4-1/2 cam to W1
Ran the cam around L to find the false and true gates which were 3 numbers wide.
Using the best reading cam gate (L19) I ran W2L (Ignore the "W3L" & "W2R"on the sticky, bad habit) finding the false and true gates for W2.
Picked the best reading gate on W2 (82) and ran W1R finding the false and true gates for W1.
Picked the best reading gate on W1 (5) and ran the gates on W2.
W2 best gate with W1 5 was 57.
Ran W1 gates with W2 57.
6th gate on W1 L16-R57-L19 and Yahtzee.
After finding 8 fairly evenly spaced gates on the cam and given the first 2 gates I found on W2 & W1 were about the same spacing,
I skipped 10 numbers ahead each time I looked for the next gate which saved a considerable amount of time although I did have to back up once.
45 minute manipulation, no graphing but making notes where needed so not sure if I can call it true freespinning or not.