New Safecracker, Old Safe
Thank you for looking at this.
GWiens2001 wrote:There is no click that tells you the combination is correct. That is the fiction of movies. What you would be doing is listening for when the fence is contacting the drive cam on either side of the drop zone. Then you are noting exactly what the numbers are at the contact points. For more info, find Oldfast's threads.
00247 wrote:Enlarging the photo of the dial shows the following.
T. H. S. CO. (The Halls Safe Co)
P.O. Box 846
Cincinnati, O. U.S.A.
This is the first time I have seen the name of the company abbreviated on the dial.
Wolfdog wrote: (selling for a buttload of money but that's beside the point).
MartinHewitt wrote:Regarding manipulation ...
If this is a Hall's safe with a direct entry fence lock, then the drive cam has 9 false gates and 1 true. When you turn the handle to open and turn the dial you can find these 10 gates where the dial does a full stop. This lock should have another three wheels for the combination.
MartinHewitt wrote:Wow! I couldn't find anything with this PO box and the top line did not make much sense to me.
A Hall's safe has probably a direct entry fence/straight tail-piece lock.
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