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How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:40 pm
by entropy
Just got a Kaba X-09. It came fully assembled, like you would expect for a mounting stand but without the mounting stand.

Without thinking, I rotated the dial hub by 180 degrees. The LCD showed funny characters for a while, then went blank. Probably the wiring got disconnected inside the dial. :shock:

Does anyone know how I can remove the dial so I can fix this? The installation manual says the dial is just press fit, but I can't pull it off. It doesn't help that the thing is pretty hard to grip. And I don't want to force it, lest it break or something.

Please help!!!

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:46 pm
by Riyame
The wires are not connected into the dial itself.

There should be an inner and outer tube that the wires run through so that they dont touch the spindle. You open up the back of the lock case, pull out the spline key, unthread the dial then take the screws out of the dial ring (display) and there is where the wires connect to.

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:50 pm
by entropy
The wires have to connect to the dial hub, because that's where the LCD is (note: I'm talking the hub, not the dial itself). It's the hub that I turned 180 degrees.

I can't open the back lock case, because of the LOBC pin. I have the combo, but with the lock not functional I can't draw the bolt in order to release the LOBC pin. Catch-22.

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:23 pm
by entropy
So... I could dremel out the LOBC pin. Only if nobody has a better suggestion. Good idea or bad idea?

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:27 pm
by entropy
The good news: with some patience I was able to dremel off the LOBC pin, remove the back cover, and then remove the spindle.

The bad news: the wires are completely fucked! :bird: So I guess this serves as a warning to others: don't twist the ring that goes around the knob or you will lose. Probably better advice is to not assemble the lock without it mounted on something. My guess is that the wire got caught on a gear or something.


Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:55 am
by Riyame
Oh wow, that really sucks. It appears that it was incorrectly assembled. The wire should run between the 2 tubes with the spindle going through the inner tube. There should be no way at all for the wire to touch the spindle or the dial and get twisted like that.

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:22 am
by Josephus
Good news! All the busted bits can be replaced. LOBC pin is only 12.50. The cable is a bit much though. It looks to be a custom FFC. I have spliced one...once...and it was a big bulky mess of questionable soldering when done. ... ogram.html ... eplace.pdf

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:31 pm
by entropy
Was it improperly assembled? We will never know. The irony is that I was in the process of disassembling the thing, and would probably have been able to fix whatever was wrong with it. But, as I was going through the LOBC removal instructions, I rotated the hub by 180 to make it match the pictures in Kaba's instructions. And that's where it went wrong. In retrospect, I should have known that was a bad idea, if I had stopped to think for two seconds. I still have no idea what happened. It almost seemed like the cable was shoved into the gap between the gear and axle, although for the life of me I can't imagine how that's possible.

The good news is that I got it pretty cheap, even for ebay. I'll probably try and rig it up with my own wires somehow.

By the way, what I've discovered for these locks on ebay is that if you can wait for one that is not in the original box it'll go for half the price or less. But then of course you have no idea what the previous owner did to it.

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:37 pm
by GWiens2001
Some idiot did a post on the internals and assembly of the X-09. The pictures may answer some questions you may have, but trust me, the guy who wrote it is a nut case.


Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:27 pm
by entropy
Haha! Yes, I saw that one, good job on it. There's also a nice PDF floating around on the net, LockCon 2008 Michael Huebler which is pretty good.

One thing I don't understand is how the knob press-fits onto the axle, but then it can't come off. It's rock solid. Is there some sort of glue in there or something?

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:40 am
by Riyame
I believe there is a split ring/compression ring on the spindle part. As you push it in the edges of the ring come together and make it smaller but once it gets far enough in the ring pops out into a groove on the handle.

Re: How to remove dial on X-09?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:52 am
by GWiens2001
The dial mount is held onto the spindle with two allen screws. At the door-side end of that mount is a split ring, as Riyame said. The shape of the mount fits into a stamped metal form inside the dial, and the split ring digs into the softer metal of the dial and fits into the groove he mentioned. Quite well, at that. Won't go into destructive entry on this lock.
