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How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

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Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:48 pm

How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

How to reassemble a euro-profile lock with a solid body

Just received a box of locks in the mail. :-D  One of them was 'some assembly required'.  


Have not had to reassemble a euro-profile lock with a solid body (does not come apart with screws), so took some pictures as I worked it out.  Hope this helps some people out.  Hope to gain some input from those who have worked with these before and have some ideas.

Here are the parts that were in the bag.


First, stuck the key into the plug and found which key pins went where. The first driver and key pin are steel for drill protection.  The rest are brass.


Once that was done, organized the driver pins, key pins and springs.


Now, to get the cam out, remove the clip from the other side.


Put the key into the other side and turn it slightly.  Note - this is a dimple lock, so it is only slightly turned.


Now pull the plug out slightly.


Now the cam can be removed.  Note - keep the part inside the cam where it is.  That way it stays in the correct position.  Once the cam is removed, slide the plug that you just pulled outwards back into place and remove the key.  That will keep that side from getting messed up.


Load all of your springs into the lock.


Now take a 1/2" diameter dowel, and using the cam to be sure the sections are not too wide, and cut as many sections as you need.  Probably a good idea to make sure the cuts are straighter than these, but they did work.


Insert the first section of dowel from where the cam normally sits.


Put a driver pin into the innermost pin channel.  Push the dowel section in lightly to lock the driver pin in place.


While pressing on the dowel section, use tweezers, small screwdriver, Bowie knife, chainsaw, or other tool, to push the driver down so the dowel section can move in enough to keep the driver pin in place.



Now the follower section is farther in.


Add your next follower section.


Repeat adding drivers, pushing them down, and adding/moving follower sections until all driver pins are installed.


Hey!  The driver pin for the first cut is magnetized!  Cool!


All drivers are loaded.


Now take your plug that needs to be installed (with the key pins already in place)...


And be sure that if your plug has holes on the other side of the plug, they do not line up with the driver pins!


As you push the plug in, remove the follower sections as the come free.




All follower sections are out.  Both plugs are slightly outwards.


Install the cam.


Push the plugs back in and install your clips.



Good luck, and would like to hear better ideas!

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Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:06 pm

Re: How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

That's one hell of a cool idea Gordon ! excellent


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Post Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:12 pm

Re: How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

Very nicely done Gordon! They're a real PITA.

I love the splittable dowel idea!

I use a 'U' shaped piece of windscreen wiper, and use it to load the springs and drivers from the front. Then the bottom of the empty keyway on the plug slides over the one arm of the U shaped bit (the other arm is running along the bottom of the lock, riding over the chamber caps) and then the U shaped bit is taken out once the plug is mostly in. Then, like you, I pull both plugs out a little to get the cam back in.

This guy's tool is better though:

And this one better still!:

I just jump to the end of this video, inserting the U shape as I go instead of the tube thing. It's a bit fiddly.

Now, try re-assembling an Assa Twin Euro... :shock: :shock:


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Post Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:58 am

Re: How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

Awesome Idea Gordon!!!
I had just taken one side of a Euro Elzett apart to fit keys to it. It uses the Y1 keyway, but with different spaces and depths. so I used my blitz with the micrometer card, and made a perfect key. Next I had originally thought of the first youtube's idea about a paperclip, but after 30 minutes of hand cramping, maddening work, I ran down to the shop, and made three dowel sections as you indicated, and it was back together in five minutes!!! thanks!!
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Post Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:26 am

Re: How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

Hux, link not working at me :S
Youtube link don't work if you put in them as https you need to leave the s out. That's what happened to me a few times at lest.

Great guide as always Gordon, but we in europe do it a bit differently, we has special clips to keep the lower (driver) pins down. We don't use plug followers htey are truly a PITA.
What we do is we put them in one by one and slide a little clip 1 step every time to hold the pins down. The clip's part which keeps the pins down is really thin so you can put the plug back with the slit for the key positioned where the clip's rod is. Then you pull the clip out and turn the plug.
Hopfully pic of the clip to follow today or tomorrow as I have some free time. That should greatly help the understanding of my description :D

They are not that much of a hassle if you get used to it and gain some practice:)
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Post Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:11 am

Re: How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

Marvelous ingenuity Gordon! :yep: I love it!
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Post Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:49 am

Re: How to reassemble solid body euro profile locks.

Here's the promised pic :

The black part is to keep it at the lock (it's just for stability) while the protruding metal slab is pushed in to cover and keep down the pins one stack at a time. (Step-by-step fashion).
Then you push in the plug with it's slit allowing to keep the thin metal slab on the pins. Pull out the thing an you can turn the plug :)

It needs a bit of practice to master but it let your work very fast. It's also pretty universal.
You can make one yourself you just instead of the plastic part get a U shaped metal half-tube which can fit at the bottom thin part of the euro cylinders.
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