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Crime? if theres no law




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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:31 am

Crime? if theres no law

Theres a story in Mclatchy news this morning,

The feds are using broad definitions of some gwot laws.
they have charged two people with teaching others how to beat a poly graph test.
One plead guilty, the other one I think will fight this on the grounds its not illegal.

The officer who is so proud of this 'investigation" said evil will always try to hide the truth, well our government is hiding an awful lot of it.

he had undercovers tell the guy they were applying for jobs in a prison and in the border patrol or something like that.

I don't believe that they were applying for such jobs, or did do so. also its not a crime to speak of things the government wants to cover up.

It reminds me of a time some years ago, around the time when a character called "joe Isuzu" was playing a badboy in Isuzu commercials.
The ST Paul MN police made an agreement with Sprint, to sell some cell phones to people for really good prices and tell those people that the phone were stolen or were jailbreaked, (off contract) or some such bushit,

The sleazy cops sold some people the phones and then charged them with recieveing stolen property.

However it was not stolen property, sprint agreed to the sale price and the sales pitch. Many of these poor mokes with no money for a lawyer plead guilty.

If you hear a sales pitch that something is a steal, be sure to tell the sales man that you think its legitimate, and the companys behind it agreed to the sales pitch.

As to beating a polygraph, theres librium, valium and the stone in your shoe technique, theres the mathmatical problem that you use to secretly occupy your attention,
and of course four percent of the population are psychopaths, who lie all the time to everyone and simply have no sense of wrongdoing.

Polygraphs are not accepted in court because its scientific voodoo.

the University of Wisconsin at Stout is now testing some array of brain electrodes as a lie detector, they are using students who have been told whether to lie or tell the truth, they should be using cops and other psychos who are in the business of harrassing and cheating people, so they can get a real result.


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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:49 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

Learned to use a tack in the shoe. Also, think of a wrong answer while answering a question truthfully.

Just when you think you've learned it all, that is when you find you haven't learned anything yet.


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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:53 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

That 4 percent of the population you speak of is usually elected into office in some capacity.

One of the reasons I left California years ago is because it has become a police state. The cops there are not concerned with getting good arrests on bad guys, only in high volumes of arrests which means they always go for an easy arrest. If you make them made they will work a little harder and use an obscure and very vague law to do you some form of harm. It does not stop with the cops though as the district attorneys tell the police departments when they will and will not prosecute.



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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:23 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

I live in a 'down' part of town, there are lots of problems and problem people. the cops are only one of the gangs.
a month ago, at about 11 at night, I heard a loud pounding on the door, I thought it was my landlord locked out without his keys,
it was the cops, four of them, tange uleland andeson and farah,
I opened the door and was asked some questions, they were looking for a person who no longer lived there, recently moved I don't know where,
they said he had been reported as having stolen a car.
I told them truthfully that he wasn't there, they asked when I had last seen him, I answered truthfully.
then the lead thug, tange asked for my name, for his report, ( when they say they only want one thing its a lie, answer and its going to be a long series of questions, its there game and they know how its played)
I truthfully answered that I didn't want my name in his report. I should never have answered the door.
he was outsid my door, I was inside,
he said "can I come in" I said no and started to close the door.
the four of them home invaded,
I told them that when professor henry louis gates confronted the aggressive cop at his door, and much was written about it from a legal point of view, before the famous "beer summit, he lost his rights in great measure because he stepped outside his door, they had invaded my door.
police have routines, probably different in rich parts of town. in frogtown,where I live, they invade and have no respect for the Fourth amendment.
they can tell you that some lawyer or corrupt judge has issued some anti fourth amendment statement to empower them to ignore the constitution.

The bill of rights is the social contract by which the government is given authority by the people, its ratified by all the states, the twisted arguments of shyster lawyers/judges are not ratified by anyone except government gunmen.

Essentially the corrupt system has eliminated the entire bill of rights unless you have very expensive lawyers, if your enron, you can keep shredding documents for weeks after the FBI says to stop, you can negociate a plea agreement for years. not the wham bam bushit that is forced on the rest of us.

the forth amendment says they cant come in without a warrent , probable cause citing specifically what they want. they cant steal anything they want while inside.
these home invaders handcuffed me and shoved me down the porch stairs and across the street into one of the squad cars.
Tange was hyperventilating while he was telling me to calm down. this is called projecting authority, they also tell you to calm down so that later when they have shot you they can say you werent calm. its a word game that they practice and know as well as they know the paranoid routine stories they consistently tell,
four gunmen in armor with belts full of sadistic equipment are claiming to be afraid of me. in bare feet.

The best thing you can do is refuse to talk to them, if you answer truthfully your name will be in their report, if you call them and they blow off the call, they will right a report that falsely claime complainant appeared DK (drunk) it gets them off the hook and its routine lying.
I have never been protected or served by them only harrassed threatened and abused.

Tange told me he was going to charge me with "obstructing "his" investigation" I said "OK lets get this lawsuit on the road" I was locked in the back of his car, he said I wasn't under arrest, I told him to let me go, he wouldn't.

they searched the house and stole property belonging to my landlord.
I did not hire an attorney because they are usually worthless as cops, and definately not on my side. its a business.

I am going to have business cards printed up with the Fourth amendment, and bumper stickers, so people can hand them to cops and say "read my rights"

the thing about the auto theft, it was a dispute between the owner of a vehicle and the mechanic who he hired to work on it, the owner was trying to bring the price down, and he saw the mechanic driving the car and got mad, mechanics have a lien allowing them to drive a car they are working on.

Tange was all about having his own way and dam the constitution. he cannot respect a citizens rights because it offends his ego.


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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:22 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

And they wonder why our founding fathers put in the second amendment.

Just when you think you've learned it all, that is when you find you haven't learned anything yet.


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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:41 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

That's horrible to hear about Rai, you have my remorse for that.
Interesting, a couple days ago I was watching this and wondering if there was anywhere I could post it:

I can certainly relate to this personally but thought I ought to share a story from a friend:
The police pulled him over for some vague reason and asked him if he carried a firearm. As soon as my friend said yes they put him in the back of the squad car. He cleared out fine but when he went back to his car he checked for his gun and saw that there was a dummy wad shoved in the barrel! If my friend used this gun in self defense it would have blown up in his hand! I also will absolutely not be pulled over in the middle of nowhere without asking for a backup officer. Regarding the Second Amendment, I get a kick out of the fact that Prior Restraint is ruled unconstitutional, yet the more I watch the more I hear of prior restraint with regard to gun laws and police search and seizures.
Last edited by youluckyfox on Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:49 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

Rule #1: Do not open the door to police officers.

Rule #2: Do not open the door to police officers.

Rule #3: Do not open the door to police officers.

Rule #4: Refer to rules 1, 2 and 3.
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The Prestigious and Powerful Porcine Prelate

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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:17 pm

Re: Crime? if theres no law

The police are not interested in justice! It's all about figures and looking good. One day that bozo might make detective.

If they can pin something on you then it matters not if you did it or not.

People pleading guilty because they can't afford a solicitor really drives me wild. You're effectively doing the job for them. They love that shit. Many people feel they have no option and the system is set up to make you feel that way.

My advice - NEVER tell them anything, even if you think it is irrelevant to what they are saying you did. Don't do their job for them. If you can't afford a solicitor then you can represent yourself. Better to do that than just bend over and let them enter. The bottom line is FIGHT ALL THE WAY.

Do what xeo says in the post above too.



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Post Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:06 pm

Re: Crime? if theres no law

August 12 news, University of Wisconsin at Stout gets big money to do tests for more effective lie detector. story says that Law Enforcement if very interested in an improved lie detectory.

Twin Cities metro Gang Strike force shut down when one honest cop sees what they are up to. and reports it to the states top cop.
this was a bunch of thugs with badges who were stealing everything they could get their hands on with the usual brutality and intimidation,
when Omodt saw what they were doing, he reported them to campion the states top cop who then let them shred evidence for days and dissappear money from some safes before he put a stop to it.
the "investigation" that was finally put together, was two retired cops with no badges and no subpoena powers, whom every member of the gangsters strike force refused to even talk to, a year later they said many felonies had been committed and no charges would be brought.
typical cops. investigated by toothless old sleuthdogs.
the mpls and stpaul pd's are racketeer influenced corrupt organizations. and have a long reputation of this.
the real anomaly in this case was that an honest cop actually tried to do something about it, some of the large screen tvs in cops homes had to be given back,
the victims were not gangsters, they were mostly poor and immigrant who are used to this sort of policestate. Robbed of cars money and whatever else the thieves wanted.

when will those new electrodes being studied at Stout UW be put on some of these guys. Corruption is worth digging out too. even though there is no agency that will do it, the FBI in its many abuses let Bulger have his way in boston for decades,
these guys should have unannounced drug tests and the best lie detection tests every year just to promote honesty. except that the system seems to not want honesty, it wants to cover up its own crimes.



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Post Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:14 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

google this,

students forced to kneel before school principal yucaipa california grade school

the psycho who was principal, dana carter, says it was a 'safty protocol' I guess so he wouldn't attack them?

This is similiar to the one where the cop puts handcuffs on a 6 year old girl.

power corrupts,


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Post Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:12 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law

The abuse of power traces back to the dawn of time. It is pretty much a trait of human beings. All you can really do is don't make yourself a target by remaining as low profile as possible. I'd be willing to bet that in each of these instances there was some kind of event which provoked this kind of behavior.

In the case you described yourself where you denied the police officers access to your home after answering the door you should have known that they would force themselves into your house one way or another. I'm not saying you asked for it, but you did probably provoke them into being aggressive by denying them the respect that they demand. The best way to deal with police officers is to do whatever they ask and to be subservient. Yes sir, no sir, etc etc. If I were in your shoes I would have let them into the house as I had already answered the door, invited them to take a look around at their leisure and to treat them as you would a guest. When you step outside of that and become defiant they will more often than not abuse their power. If you really want to be defiant in a situation like that you need audio and video recordings. That is the only thing that will help you fight any kind of legal action against them. You were in the disadvantaged position of being a suspect and your property was in question of harboring someone. You can't really play the defiance card in that circumstance.

The Bill of Rights and any other document simply doesn't matter anymore. It is very close to a free-for-all. You don't have any rights, neither do I. The rights we do have are the ones our government chooses to give us on a case by case basis. That is my 2 cents. Take it for what you will.
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Post Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:41 pm

Re: Crime? if theres no law

I recently had a cop pull me over he claimed i did not stop at a stop sign. I DID make a complete stop.

The cop was in a hurry already had the ticket mostly filled out just put in my details. So I said nothing and took the ticket(I am sure if I did say something I would of left with a few tickets).

I went to court plead Not Guilty. Then went to my trail, they scheduled the cop and about 20 of his cases/tickets for that morning. After a few I realized that the court was a sham the cop did not have to have any proof at all and the judge would rule in his favor every single time no matter what. "Proof beyond a reasonable doubt" was a complete joke, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty,,,, every single one. So of course I got up there plea my case - Guilty.

I have been to 3rd world countries where the cops pull you over and make you pay money they call it corruption. The same thing here they just have a show to make it look like people have a "fair trail".

What is the "law" ? it is just the biggest gang, a multi-Billion dollar industry made up of corrupt politicians, lawyers and thugs to do the dirty work,


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Post Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:13 pm

Re: Crime? if theres no law

verz wrote:I recently had a cop pull me over he claimed i did not stop at a stop sign. I DID make a complete stop.

The cop was in a hurry already had the ticket mostly filled out just put in my details. So I said nothing and took the ticket(I am sure if I did say something I would of left with a few tickets).

I went to court plead Not Guilty. Then went to my trail, they scheduled the cop and about 20 of his cases/tickets for that morning. After a few I realized that the court was a sham the cop did not have to have any proof at all and the judge would rule in his favor every single time no matter what. "Proof beyond a reasonable doubt" was a complete joke, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty,,,, every single one. So of course I got up there plea my case - Guilty.

I have been to 3rd world countries where the cops pull you over and make you pay money they call it corruption. The same thing here they just have a show to make it look like people have a "fair trail".

What is the "law" ? it is just the biggest gang, a multi-Billion dollar industry made up of corrupt politicians, lawyers and thugs to do the dirty work,

Oh mate, you're so right. It's all just a sham. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is just some cop saying 'yeah, I saw it'. It doesn't even matter if you have evidence to disprove their case (even though it is not your job to do this), the judge knows why he is there and he knows what the decision has to be.

Justice? Don't make me laugh.



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Post Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:46 am

Re: Crime? if theres no law



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Post Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:24 pm

Re: Crime? if theres no law

"law is mind without reason." that is all. sorry to hear about your bad experience rai.
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