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Happy New Year



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Post Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:08 pm

Happy New Year

Yeah its corney. And me for one aint a festive person by any means. But fuck it im saying my piece, if ya dont like it the delete it.

Theres many people ive met in my life, and trust me ive met a fair few over the years, that seem to NOT benefit from the happy new year syndrome. Certain people through the year have gone through the hard times, and im sure many have suffered. I've suffered in my own little ways. Im sure many here have suffered in there own ways!!. Sickness and death are the biggest emotions that a person could ever try to come to terms with. Ive lost friends, family and people close to me over the years and im sure you all have. This time of year for me was a reclusive time of year because i was suffering my own losses. NOW 20yrs on, guess what???? .Yeah, its still there. Yeah i got family, kids and missus. It dont stop though, the loss is still there. It never goes away. And it never will.

Lifes about learning, and oh by christ does life make you learn. Worse than any head teacher i ever met. But if you share, care the were all there.

theres people here that know me and people that dont. My message to all is........

Life is a ride that gives different feelings..... good and bad ......but if your all there for one another then its not so bad.

Happy new year all......be safe .....be kind.....be loving.......and if all else fails......feck the fucking lot of them!!!!!!

God bless ya all from the humbug bouncer965 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[“A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.”.



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Post Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:11 pm

Re: Happy New Year

-clicks delete-.......-clicks it again-...ITS NOT WORKING!?!?!?!?!

Naw lol, Happy New year everybody.

Dont get too rowdy or bouncer will have to throw you out ;) :P
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Post Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:37 pm

Re: Happy New Year

bouncer965 wrote:Yeah its corney. And me for one aint a festive person by any means. But fuck it im saying my piece, if ya dont like it the delete it.

Theres many people ive met in my life, and trust me ive met a fair few over the years, that seem to NOT benefit from the happy new year syndrome. Certain people through the year have gone through the hard times, and im sure many have suffered. I've suffered in my own little ways. Im sure many here have suffered in there own ways!!. Sickness and death are the biggest emotions that a person could ever try to come to terms with. Ive lost friends, family and people close to me over the years and im sure you all have. This time of year for me was a reclusive time of year because i was suffering my own losses. NOW 20yrs on, guess what???? .Yeah, its still there. Yeah i got family, kids and missus. It dont stop though, the loss is still there. It never goes away. And it never will.

Lifes about learning, and oh by christ does life make you learn. Worse than any head teacher i ever met. But if you share, care the were all there.

theres people here that know me and people that dont. My message to all is........

Life is a ride that gives different feelings..... good and bad ......but if your all there for one another then its not so bad.

Happy new year all......be safe .....be kind.....be loving.......and if all else fails......feck the fucking lot of them!!!!!!

God bless ya all from the humbug bouncer965 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Could have said it better myself!

oh and Happy New Year everyone!
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Post Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:28 am

Re: Happy New Year

Happy new picking year everybody :)


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Post Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:16 am

Re: Happy New Year

straight from the heart is that bouncer...Well said and have a good 'en this yaer


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OldddffAASSTT the Spin Master Extraordinaire and American Lock Slayer
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Post Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:27 pm

Re: Happy New Year

bouncer965 wrote:Yeah its corney. And me for one aint a festive person by any means. But fuck it im saying my piece, if ya dont like it the delete it.....

...Life is a ride that gives different feelings..... good and bad ......but if your all there for one another then its not so bad....

God bless ya all from the humbug bouncer965 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Not "corney" at all! I appreciate you sharin' some of your thoughts & feelings Bouncer... thank you. In fact, sharing my thoughts is something I most likely don't do enough. Instead, I'm often times guilty of just feeding the hamster that runs on that wheel in my head.... never going anywhere lol. I've found that the most nutritious food I can feed him is some good ol' 'isolation'. When fed isolation, that son-of-a-bitch'll run a marathon... and that's just his warm-up for a fuckin' ironman LOL. Not good!! I need to let people in!

Today, I'm surrounded by people who love me... people that inspire me... people that I trust absolutely... and WILL go to ANY length to help me. But only if I ask!! (that's the hard part) Today I know that IF I am alone... it's because I chose to be. Also, if I'm not loving the people around me... all is lost. At the core of my disease is selfishness. Isolation, by it's very nature is selfish. I must get outta me. I normally make no new year resolutions... and this year is no exception... but if I had to make one, that would be it- help someone other than myself. Make someone happy other than myself. Inspire someone.... other than myself.

And to the people that I've loved that are no longer here. It pains me so much, only because I loved them so much. I'm blessed to have spent time and got to know them enough that it hurts when they die. When I think of them, sometimes I think of the moments and experiences we shared that brought me so close to em'. Other times I seem to dwell on the fact that they're no longer here. Life's a bitch.... and life's absolutely beautiful! What answer I'd give you... depends on what morning you pose the question. lol

Bouncer... you've inpired me tonight. I've a ton of thoughts all of a sudden. So much so, that I'm going to quite typing here and start writing an article that I'll eventually post. And, just like your thoughts, not everyone will like them... but that's ok... it's just my personal experience with life... nothing more.

Happy New Year to all. I hope & pray that this year will move & inpire you. That you'll feel deep meaning in your life, and in the lives of the people around you.
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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:22 am

Re: Happy New Year

You know, and I'm as guilty as most of us, Its so easy just to reply with happy new year guys. and theres nothing wrong with that. But when you read words from bouncer and oldfast it does tug at the heart and makes me think yeah I should care a bit more about the people around me..Its a lot easier not to care than it is too care and so human nature will take the easy route. But for a bunch of hairy arsed lockpickers it so uplifting to know we all rise to the ocassion when someone needs us . So from over the pond here in the UK have a seriously good new year gents


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:21 am

Re: Happy New Year

Im pretty late on this, but happy new years all! The end of the world is around the corner....haha


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:38 am

Re: Happy New Year

Oldfast...........your words are such an example of myself, its almost like your my twin. Im a bit of a loner in life and always have been. 10 years ago i went to a place i never want to go back too. And in a way it was brought on by myself and my own solitude and not being able to "talk" to people or open up to people. Im a very dis-trusting person in other humans and chose to be a loner. But there comes a time when you have to ask for help, and that is the hardest part for anyone to admit a sort of defeat.

The mind is a very dangerous tool, and all those mixed scrambled thoughts that go flying around in there cam accumalate and build up until.....WHAM.......you hit rock bottom. Thats what happenned to me. My head got so filled with thoughts, emotions and all sorts that it couldnt cope anymore. Woke up one morning and it had all gone from me......in the fact, i didnt even know what i was doing ...literally!!!! Went to doctors and was admitted to hospital in the psychiatric ward. Doped up to the eyeballs and basically left to my own devices for 2 weeks. Got out after 2 weeks and given all the meds to take home and under close scrutiny from doctors and social workers.

Well i didnt stay home for long and was sectioned under the mental health act that same night for being a danger to myself or too others. This time i had no choice in the hospital what drugs i took or anything.......i'd lost all my rights and all my self worth. It took me 8mnths to sort myself out and i done this by getting angry with myself and cant explain it..........but its the hardest part of my life that i never wish to repeat.

So what im saying is.......all them thoughts and emotions ......deal with them. Dont avoid them .....sort them out and get to the bottom of it....or it'll take you to the bottom and that aint a place i would want anyone to go too. As for a magic cure....there aint one....trust me i tried every route and path to try and get it out of my head. I now live by a motto......."Yesterday is history, tommorrow is a mystery".

And no im not cured i still get on downers but i wont take anti depressants or any other drugs to resolve it.......you just ride it out and hope you come out the other side....so yeah help the people around you and be the nice guy all the time like i was myself........but if you cant help yourself first, you gonna lose the fight with your inner self. So be careful and never be afraid of making yourself look weak by asking for help. God bless.
[“A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.”.



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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:11 am

Re: Happy New Year

bouncer965 wrote:So be careful and never be afraid of making yourself look weak by asking for help. God bless.

Two of the hardest things in life I have found to do are to forgive myself for the wrongs and poor choices I've made in life, and asking for help. Neither one killed me but they were both the most difficult things I've had to do.

Those two things combined with some other life experiences have taught me to just ride out the day. The days of worrying about every little thing are done though I must admit sometimes I have to work at not worrying.

For what its worth Happy New Year to you guys as well. Thank you to everyone on this board, I've learned at least a little from everyone that posts.


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:03 am

Re: Happy New Year

Indeed... indeed. Well said. Appreciate ya sharing some of your past. When I do that, I find it not only helps me, but it's apt to help others too.

bouncer965 wrote: ....I now live by a motto......."Yesterday is history, tommorrow is a mystery"....

And the saying you use as your motto...lol... reminds me of another saying I've heard said:
"If you have one foot in yesterday, and the other in tommorrow... you're perfectly positioned to piss all over today."
Or, if you prefer, shit. Usually, if I've positioned myself in such a way, it's hard to shit without takin' a piss aswell LOL.
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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:24 am

Re: Happy New Year

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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:31 pm

Re: Happy New Year

You're Right. Just don't let the bastards get ya down. Maybe we are all here to learn and to let it go. Easier said than done in my world as well.

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