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Your mobile phone is your key !



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The Supply Guy - Honored Benefactor
The Supply Guy - Honored Benefactor

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Post Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 am

Your mobile phone is your key !

check this out, in Sweden your i-phone is your key to your hotel door ! how long before we all have them on residential doors :cool:

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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:22 pm

Re: Your mobile phone is your key !

Personally I wouldn't care for it on my own door, but I know so many people that suck at not loosing their keys. :P


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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:04 pm

Re: Your mobile phone is your key !

I think it's a great idea for a hotel room lock. It means not having stress about where the card is etc. I don't think I'd use it for my door simply because if I loose my keys the person who finds it has no idea what lock it opens, however; if someone steals my phone or I loose it and if I store my address on it like a lot of people do then that person now knows where I live and they have a virtual key to my house. Of course this can be simply stopped ( for the most part) but adding a password to open the application to begin with. There are pros and cons to everything but unless they perfect it I won't trust it.
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