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Oldfast: Safe Chronicles



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OldddffAASSTT the Spin Master Extraordinaire and American Lock Slayer
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Post Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:45 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Thanks guys!

Altashot wrote:We never really discussed how you got the cam back to flat.
You did a really good job on it so, how did you do it?

Well, lol... I'll admit I was unable to pull off what you had described. But I did
learn while attempting to (which is always a good thing). I'm just not equipped
with the tools or knowledge to do it the right way just yet. However, your ideas
absolutely played into how I ultimately ended up doing it.

I'll tryn' post some pictures of what I did after I get through this busy weekend.
Nothing high-tech that's for sure. haha. I'd call it more of an amateur/hobbyist
approach to solving the problem.
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Post Sat Jun 20, 2015 6:42 am

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Oldfast wrote:Thanks guys!

Altashot wrote:We never really discussed how you got the cam back to flat.
You did a really good job on it so, how did you do it?

Well, lol... I'll admit I was unable to pull off what you had described. But I did
learn while attempting to (which is always a good thing). I'm just not equipped
with the tools or knowledge to do it the right way just yet. However, your ideas
absolutely played into how I ultimately ended up doing it.

I'll tryn' post some pictures of what I did after I get through this busy weekend.
Nothing high-tech that's for sure. haha. I'd call it more of an amateur/hobbyist
approach to solving the problem.

What was the method Altashot told you? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

Just when you think you've learned it all, that is when you find you haven't learned anything yet.


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Post Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:50 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Some of you were curious on the task of straightening the drive cam.
Sorry for such a delayed response here. Computer problems lately.
Fuckitbucket hasn't been playing nice either for a couple weeks now.

As I said, not the "correct" way by any means... but it worked for now. lol


I rummaged through a drawer of pipe fittings & caps, picked out two appropriately sized ones,
then used them to 'sandwich' the cam in a vice and pressed it (VERY SLOWLY) flat again.


Obviously I was quite leary of doing this and the whole process seemed a bit crude & brutal.
But I made the most of it and was as cautious and patient as possible every step of the way.

The inner portions of the pipe fittings that would make contact with the cam were first filed flat & sanded smooth.
I positioned the 'sandwich' carefully being sure not to disturb the drive pin. The actual pressing was done VERY
slowly. I'd tighten the vice just a smidge then go & work on something else for a couple minutes. Again & again.

After pressing out the bend as much as possible with just the two fittings, I then pressed it again....
this time strategically placing a piece of brass stock at the remaining bend (as seen in the photo).

Gordon: I'll check with Altashot first... but I'll see about PMing you
the more detailed process he suggested and explained to me.
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Post Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:03 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Ok, that is actually quite ingenious. Nice work.
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Post Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:58 am

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Excellent, that was a very good gentle way to force it back into shape.
Probably better than my method, more delicate for sure.
Good job.



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Post Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:25 am

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Thanks so much guys.

Always helps to be able to brainstorm & bounce around some ideas with some of you.
You can see in the photo I have a couple more bent cams. I don't need them at this
point... but I might see about getting them straightened out and cleaned up too.
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Post Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:49 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Great stuff, Mike! Loved the "crude & brutal" method--yet produced such great results!

When's the alarmed LaGard gonna make the chronicles? :smile:



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Post Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:12 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Trevor!!!! Mighty nice to cya round these parts :D

I was really hoping to develop a good method/consistency with LaGards and their shadowing.
I still believe Altashot's theory is key. But as you know, this has been an on/off project for me.
And quite honestly, it's been a VERY frustrating one. No doubt I will return to the 'LaGard Project'
with a vengeance. But when... I dunno. Lately I've been enjoying some rather old locks for a change.

The mount for that LaGard you so kindly sent is just incredibly gorgeous! When I have a sound, reliable,
quick method - I hope to post it using your lock to illustrate. It'd be nice to post something we can all learn
from... rather than just another opening. Well, that's my hope anyway. lol
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Post Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:13 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

manipulation #24

Mosler Security Container
w/ Sargent Greenleaf 6700 Series

Wanted to share this recent $55 ebay purchase. The seller has MANY more if you're interested.
I'm not affiliated with the seller in any way. But really guys, this is a pretty damn good price I think.
Especially considering many sellers now seem to want that much (if not more!) for just the lock alone.

Seller's a registered government surplus buyer and has 90 of these. Some with S&G locks, some with ILCO.
The S&G's must go first (not sure why). He's currently listing them one at a time for a 'buy it now'. If you're
interested in multiples, message him with how many you want and he'll put up a separate listing for that.


All I know is these containers were made for the US government and they came from the Immigration
and Naturalization Service (INS) - an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice from 1933 to 2003.
But what I'm really hoping is that someone will chime in and tell me more about these containers.

These things are sturdy, but so small. You can see it's only the width of the dial.
8 inches deep & 7 inches tall. There's two holes at the back for bolting it down,
which suggests they weren't for transporting. What would you put in these?!


Had a fun authentic safe-crackin' session with this one :) My beautiful Alison did the un-boxing.
She spun it open it a couple times, then promptly hid the paperwork and removed the stickers.
A few days later, I could not fall asleep. So I got back up around 3 am and gave it a spin.

Group2 ... 3 wheel ... key change ... spring loaded fence

RIGHT contact point ONLY
...taken in tenths every 2 increments

L19 - R4 - L33

If I were to create graphs to picture with this one, I'd imagine they'd be fairly
similar to some of the other S&G's I've posted. So I won't go there this time.

I will say though - I really struggled with this one for a bit. Why?.... no good reason really.
Sometimes it's just like that I guess. And I should know by now that it's never a good idea
to approach a lock thinking "I'm gonna blow through this one in 10 minutes!". Nevertheless,
I fell victim to this again, lol. Really, ya just never know how it's gonna go till ya start spinnin'.

OPEN R18 - L5 - R32.5
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Post Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:22 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

manipulation #25

Very rarely do I get the opportunity to strike outside of my lockroom.
So it's really a thrill for me when I do. And, I was able to help a friend.

....the lower compartment sees its' first light in over ten years.


Inside the upper compartment is a slot toward the back allowing deposits, banks notes, etc. to be
dropped down into the lower compartment (which obviously opens to a different combination).
The paper combo to the lower portion apparently traveled this very route some years ago. lol
Concerned about employees the common classic thought occurred, "it'll be safer in the safe"

My hat's off to you folks who do this out in the field on a daily basis! And keep your wits about you.
In the short amount of time I spent there, it was quite a mental roller coaster ride of highs and lows.
In addition to battling the safe, you can end up fighting another battle within yourself if you don't keep
your emotions in check. Doubt can creep in and you begin to envision the fail before it even happens!

An intimidating safe at first; stands taller than me & a little wider than the doorway (room was built around it).
I had to remember though... the locks on it are no different than the ones in my lock room that I've spun for yrs.
Still though - a big change. I'm use to working alone, in comfort, AND with freshly serviced smooth running dials.

He was "certain" he knew two of the numbers but was not sure of their order :???: (heard that before, lol).
He was just as certain that the unknown number was a factor of 5. I was unable to verify either of these
#'s with a mini-manipulation. Nevertheless, I took the time to run the possibilities using this info. No go.

With that outta the way, it was time to start fresh with no assumptions. The lock was old, dirty, and worn in.
The RCP was mushy & very subtle. It was easy to overshoot initial contact by 4-6 tenths; which might as well
be a mile when you're looking for differences! It took me a few minutes to find a touch that would accommodate
the dial... but once I did, I found my stride and gates started poppin'. As each gate was found I took a few seconds
to run some tests using the #'s he'd given me. All said and done, NONE of his #'s were in the opening combination.

Question: S&G's normally have a contact area of 95-5 or 5-15.
This one though was 20-30? Incorrectly splined do you think?
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Post Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:25 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Nice work!...In the field...

I often felt like you did, thinking of failure before the start...
...But safes don't get opened by fear and self doubt,
they get opened because of your special skills.

I've told myself the same thing, it's just another lock, no different
than all the other ones I opened, it doesn't matter that the door is 5" thick...

Now you got to experience the roller coaster of emotions, AND got it opened...


Oh! I forgot, i think it's mis-splined at the cam or, less likely but possible, the dial is mis-splined on the spindle.


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Post Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:40 am

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Yeah, thanks so much Altashot! :spinning:

I suppose the calm confidence will come only with time and more outings.
It did help to remind myself that... "I've paid my dues!". And remind myself
that, "I've spent crazy time in front of a dial - just like the one on this safe."

Altashot wrote:Oh! I forgot, i think it's mis-splined at the cam or, less likely but possible, the dial is mis-splined on the spindle.

That's kinda what I thought. I may find out if I end of servicing the locks for him. However,
it won't take much to scare me off, lol. If after taking the panels off I find some relockers I'm
not familiar with, I'm apt to suggest a professional. As of right now I'm the reason he's in...
I'd rather not be the reason he ends up locked out again (but in a far worse way). lol

I'm curious too; with your customers. How do you suggest they keep their combination?
I know the situation of a bank is entirely different... but I'm talking about home owners.
Committing it to memory seems best, but I know this is not always an option for some.
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Post Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:52 am

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

And the legend lives on. So glad to see you still cracking these puppies. Wow what the heck is a lock like that doing on a small dump box like that lol.


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Post Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:18 am

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Oldfast, in Banks, they change the combs so often that they have a little wallet card with a series of different
combs written on them. When time to change combs comes they just pick the next comb in line and so on.

For individuals, I normally suggest they choose numbers that are meaningful to them and only them.
Birthdays, anniversaries, digits from a phone number...Sometimes they ask me to pick a comb, in this case
I set it to 0's and 5's. That way if I ever have to manipulate it, it's much faster.
Another thing I see (which i do not recommend) is using their address.
For example: 7340-60th Avenue would become 73-40-60, or in a different order perhaps
in an attempt to disguise the comb.

Don't doubt yourself, take the panel off, observe, understand what everything does and
it'll all work fine. Come on Man, you have enough experience, besides, what have you got to loose?
You'd have to really fu*k things up to cause a lock-out, and I believe that you have the skills to fix this.
If it can't be splined properly for some reason, leave it like that, it'll work fine.
You just have to keep in mind that the forbidden zone has shifted as well, in the same ratio that the CP's did.
If in doubt, you know where to find me.



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Post Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:34 pm

Re: Oldfast: Safe Chronicles

Oldfast wrote:
manipulation #24

Mosler Security Container
w/ Sargent Greenleaf 6700 Series

Wanted to share this recent $55 ebay purchase. The seller has MANY more if you're interested.
I'm not affiliated with the seller in any way. But really guys, this is a pretty damn good price I think.
Especially considering many sellers now seem to want that much (if not more!) for just the lock alone.

Seller's a registered government surplus buyer and has 90 of these. Some with S&G locks, some with ILCO.
The S&G's must go first (not sure why). He's currently listing them one at a time for a 'buy it now'. If you're
interested in multiples, message him with how many you want and he'll put up a separate listing for that.


All I know is these containers were made for the US government and they came from the Immigration
and Naturalization Service (INS) - an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice from 1933 to 2003.
But what I'm really hoping is that someone will chime in and tell me more about these containers.

These things are sturdy, but so small. You can see it's only the width of the dial.
8 inches deep & 7 inches tall. There's two holes at the back for bolting it down,
which suggests they weren't for transporting. What would you put in these?!


Had a fun authentic safe-crackin' session with this one :) My beautiful Alison did the un-boxing.
She spun it open it a couple times, then promptly hid the paperwork and removed the stickers.
A few days later, I could not fall asleep. So I got back up around 3 am and gave it a spin.

Group2 ... 3 wheel ... key change ... spring loaded fence

RIGHT contact point ONLY
...taken in tenths every 2 increments

L19 - R4 - L33

If I were to create graphs to picture with this one, I'd imagine they'd be fairly
similar to some of the other S&G's I've posted. So I won't go there this time.

I will say though - I really struggled with this one for a bit. Why?.... no good reason really.
Sometimes it's just like that I guess. And I should know by now that it's never a good idea
to approach a lock thinking "I'm gonna blow through this one in 10 minutes!". Nevertheless,
I fell victim to this again, lol. Really, ya just never know how it's gonna go till ya start spinnin'.

OPEN R18 - L5 - R32.5

Mike, those look just big enough to contain a pistol and knife. My guess from a past life would be that these were intended for use at a detention center where weapons are not allowed inside.

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