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Thank you!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:43 pm
by chieflittlehorse
I just want to thank everyone who helped put some money in my dad's GoFundMe account for the electric wheelchair.

I didn't know I had to withdraw some money in order for some more donations to come in but besides the point, me and my brother bought him an electric wheelchair from EZ Lite Cruiser, we got him the slim line model with 12" back wheels so it can handle rough terrain.

So I apprecieate all your help and all those who may have tried to donate but couldn't because I didn't know about the 'no more donations until you withdrawal' clause. So thank you guys and anyone who tried to donate but couldn't.

To all you lock pickers (legal ones) and all you locksmiths out there, have a blessed year and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Re: Thank you!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:29 pm
by Oldfast
That's wonderful news!! WONDERFUL!

(QOL) Quality of Life just went UP :yep:

Re: Thank you!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:53 pm
by chieflittlehorse
Yes, now were trying to find a downstairs apartment for us.

Taking him down the stairs requires a lot of energy on my part so he only gets out of the house once a week.

Once we find a nice downstairs apartment he can get out more and go to the market with me.