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CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:23 pm
by aleksandarkok
Can someone explain how to pick Cisa 285/66 padlock.
I have been trying for 2 months. I can feel only one pin click but that's it. Maybe I am pushing more pins at one time.
I don't know what is the secret of picking this padlock.

Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:24 pm
by GWiens2001
Can you post a picture of the lock and the keyway?

Have found a video on YouTube of the lock being gutted. Looks to have regular and spool driver pins, and perhaps a couple key pins with a serration.


Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:02 pm
by aleksandarkok
I have attached pictures of padlock, it's keyway and pick I have been using.

Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:46 pm
by GWiens2001
The lock has spool pins. Keep the tension light. When you move the pins, one will make the keyway turn backwards from the way you are trying to turn it. Keep moving that pin until it sets.

Good luck,


Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:58 pm
by Neilau
To expand a bit on what Gordon said.

Go in with your pick, applying light tension and rake/jiggle it around until the cylinder turns about 10 degrees.

At this point you have set the non spool pins and one or more spool pins have false set. Then feel each pin, while still applying light pressure, correctly set pins won't budge so don't lever too hard, the spools that are false set will make the cylinder rotate against the light tension you are applying. Lift these pins and POP !!!

Check out aleksandarkok video and you can see what is happening.

Once you have mastered (regular) spools you will find that they actually make picking easier until you come across the evil Oldfast’s monster spools. :whip:

Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:46 pm
by aleksandarkok
Thank you but I can try for hours and nothing happens.
I am for sure pressing more than one pin at a time,
due to tight keyway I don't think this can be avoided.

Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:01 pm
by socaldevin
Aleksandarkok what kind of tension wrench are you using?

Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:52 pm
by aleksandarkok
Here is the wrech I am using

Re: CISA 285/66 padlock

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:39 pm
by faygo6
Try top tensioning the lock until you get the hang of the sensation mentioned above. If you're not familiar with the feeling of a spool pin setting, it's hard to pickup on the feeling if your pick is rubbing against your tensioner. I also find the feel of the tensioner pushing back from the false set a little more distinct when I have top tension.
I hope this helps.