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The internet and you kids



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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:26 am

The internet and you kids

I dont know if this has been said before but I'm going to say it. I truly believe that in the near future the powers that be (tptb) will really start cracking down on the internet under the pretense of protecting our kids. More of the nanny state in action. This is going to be a trojan horse to pass laws to make the internet a highly regulated place. It will not be free anymore. There has been talk for years that a law has been proposed that would allow your ISP to charge you by the NUMBER and which sites you go to. Most people dont even know about this. Know why? Because they do all this shit in secret and try and pass these laws through as quickly as possible. Please educate yourself and the people around you. Nothing scares the sheep more than saying "your kids are in danger". If you dont know what a sheep is, you are one of them. Open your eyes. Do some research.

I'm in NO way speaking out again the govt. You can actually be thrown in jail for that these days. Fuckin nazis..I'm no actavist. I'm just telling it like it is....

To add to that I'm pretty sure the Patriot act 1 and 2 gives the govt the power to do whatever the hell they want anyway. Internet included....Killswitch anyone???

*steps off soapbox


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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:51 am

Re: The internet and you kids

Silly Govt. They cant get anything right and still think they know what is in our own best interest. In 20 year they will pass a law stating what kinds of toilet paper to use.

:lol: :gosplit:


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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:38 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

Hahaha. There's already an OSHA rule that dictates how the TP rolls off the roller. (Over the top).
Nemo Malus Felix


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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:16 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

Riff wrote:There has been talk for years that a law has been proposed that would allow your ISP to charge you by the NUMBER and which sites you go to.

This may just be a difference between Canada and the US that I haven't run into before... but why would the government need to pass a law to allow your ISP to charge whatever they'd like? (I'm honestly not sure... is there a law that prevents it from happening now?)

Most ISPs already charge for every byte of information you send over the Internet -- although the first several GB of data are usually free, and many ISP have "unlimited" plans. I don't think it would be illegal today for an ISP to charge you extra for every email sent or every website visited (although I have no idea how you'd define a "website visit")... the only thing that prevents it is that nobody would sign up for it, as there are cheaper plans elsewhere.

Don't get me wrong: I'm all for minimizing government intrusion into peoples' personal lives... but I'd also argue that government shouldn't be passing bills that prevent companies from charging what they'd like, so long as there isn't a monopoly that would prevent someone else from starting a business that charges less?

Just my $0.02. :smile:


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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:55 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

The problem I see is that isp's and mega huge server owners could lobby for taxes on website visits equating to tax breaks for the isp's and more money for the isp's based on the per visit basis. So to go along with your extra taxes you pay on alcohol and cigarettes you could probably expect to pay extra taxes on your porn site visits or violent video game server access. They are also cracking down on people who make very little money on blogs and such shutting them down.

So in the mean time buy more guns and ammo now while you can


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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:40 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

cant see russia being included in this lol! the internet it about making money! so far its working! what you are talking about is what china is doing? hell i think your to worried over nothing friend! enjoy the internet as it wont change in our lifetime!


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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:13 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

people have been saying this for decades. the people who were called crazy or conspiracy nutjobs. people like george orwell... h.g. wells... robert shea... ayn rand... etc etc. the idea of problem/reaction/solution is the name of the game: create a problem where the reaction is to accept the precalculated solution.

problem: economy/debt ceiling
reaction: fix it
solution: pass an evil bill.

problem: 9/11
reaction: fight/we're mad/argh
solution: invade iraq to install a centralized bank and overthrow the leadership

problem: wikileaks
reaction: tighten security
solution: push more internet legislature (check david rockefeller sponsored legislature)

problem: sony ps3 hacking
reaction: tighten security
solution: take a wild guess

problem: h1n1
reaction: vaccinate us
solution: mysteriously questionable combo vaccine

this concept can and will be applied to everything in order to create the new world order.
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Post Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:39 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

While the U.S. may have had questionable reasons for entering Iraq, 9/11 wasn't one of them, it was Afghanistan that was invaded after that.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs...
See those kids standing by the lake...drop some napalm and watch them bake.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs.


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Post Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:06 am

Re: The internet and you kids

this is going to be a serious problem for those who are addicted to internet porn...


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Post Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:16 am

Re: The internet and you kids

mech wrote:cant see russia being included in this lol! the internet it about making money! so far its working! what you are talking about is what china is doing? hell i think your to worried over nothing friend! enjoy the internet as it wont change in our lifetime!

I can't say for sure what the internet will be like in the future. I think Some of you may be missing the point. The point that I was trying to make was that fear is being used to ultimately control everything we do. Don't believe me? Just think about how many more freedoms we had 50 years ago...and we're much safer now right? Terror plots, 9/11, ect. ect. Things are only getting worse and we are losing freedoms at an alarming rate. The fast way to get people worked up is to say "Oh we HAVE to do this or that to keep your kids safe". Which is BS to me. If you wanna keep your kids safe take some control BACK and not GIVE IT TO YOUR GOVT. I'm not here to argue and this was not being directed right at you mech. The internet is about the last free medium we have to speak our minds. You can get arrested for speaking your mind these days in real life. Also there has been legislation of charging by usage/bandwidth....I dunno...You would have to look it up, but it does exist.
Also, if you think for a second that the people running this ship doesnt have a killswitch in place I would say you are misguided. We've seen it in other countries already. Free countries. Not china. If the economy would have tanked and things would have started to unravel I truly believe that they'd pull the plug in a second. Why? Control. Control that is "Necessary" or not is not what America is about and surely not what our Constitution says. I appreciate our soldiers (I know many) and I love my Country. I'm not saying "storm the gates" lol....but you would be surprised how many people dont realise that the US is turning into a police state. All in the name of fear. Am I afraid?
NO fear=control :mrgreen:



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Post Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:38 am

Re: The internet and you kids

You cant say that I didnt forsee this coming.......Old post.....New INFO......Basically they want to call anyone who is not ok with the authorities invading your privacy WITHOUT a warrant siding with child pornographers....Friggin sick if you ask me....Nothing scares people more than saying we have to do this in order to keep your kids safe. Just because I enjoy my privacy (which I'm sure most people do) does not mean we are "up to no good" and saying we are siding with those disgusting people is unbelievable... It really angers me to see things like this going on. People really need to read this and take notice. It's happening right in front of our eyes.


http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story ... phers.html


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Post Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:45 am

Re: The internet and you kids

The internet is far to radical for the powers that be as it currently exists. SOPA, and ACTA are just the latest in what will be a long line of legislation. They'll keep on trying under different disguises until one of them (at least) gets voted in. They've already started. The speed with which people from around the globe can currently share ideas and information is much too potentially subversive. I fully expect there to not only be draconian measures introduced that'll censor whatever they don't like but a kill switch to stop people communicating during times of civil unrest.

IMO we need to develop a concurrent solution just n case the internet does get shut down. Using GSM maybe or a non IP based technology. If the internet did get killed then a great majority of us would currently be screwed for getting information.

Maybe some sort of low tech bulletin board type solution via POTS would work?


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Post Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:58 am

Re: The internet and you kids

huxleypig wrote:The internet is far to radical for the powers that be as it currently exists. SOPA, and ACTA are just the latest in what will be a long line of legislation. They'll keep on trying under different disguises until one of them (at least) gets voted in. They've already started. The speed with which people from around the globe can currently share ideas and information is much too potentially subversive. I fully expect there to not only be draconian measures introduced that'll censor whatever they don't like but a kill switch to stop people communicating during times of civil unrest.

IMO we need to develop a concurrent solution just n case the internet does get shut down. Using GSM maybe or a non IP based technology. If the internet did get killed then a great majority of us would currently be screwed for getting information.

Maybe some sort of low tech bulletin board type solution via POTS would work?

I think there is are already contingency plans to get around any of these crackdowns on the net ( or future crackdowns). I'm not sure what they are so yea, in the end normal internet users would be screwed. Ham operator operators would be our best hope......Unless you want to get your info from the boob tube..........(obvious sarcasm)



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Post Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:27 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

That last post was on feb 14, '12 what was that date when mubarak shut down the internet in Egypt and it became simply gypt.....

The technologies exist, some american companies sold them to syria while the protests were peaceful.....Forgot the name of the company but im sure www.schneier.com posted about it.

cell phone networks exist in iraq and in afganistan, the taliban taxes them to let them keep the towers up and when they aren't actually helping the taliban during tactical operations, and government allows them in both iraq and in afganistan in spite of the're use as ied triggers because they are all trunked to NSA and run through keyword software as a source of intelligence.


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Post Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:36 pm

Re: The internet and you kids

And how will did that all end for him Rai?
"What if you people made giant boulders illegal because of all the innocent people who get killed by giant boulders?"
"People dont kill people with giant boulders"
"They will if you take away their assault rifles"

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