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$500 lock library?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:21 pm
by sandman
ya, so evidently there is a library? of locks, that selling for $500 on Schuylar Towns kickstarter site?

um, has he ever heard of ebay? last i saw $500 gets you about 10X as much on ebay than in this set, but, i guess if your too incompetent to pin up your own locks then throw out the dough!

if i miss spelled his name i dont care, I HATE YOU SCHUYLAR!!!!


Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:29 pm
by LocksmithArmy
lol whats all this about man

the 500 was for his kickstarter project... its jot just locks... you get a shitton of picks and other goodies... and all the things from all the previous amounts of money you could donate... i myself did the 75$... gotta add em to the site, we musnt forget that...

there is no way in hell im paying 500 for a lock library (or what he was offering for that matter) in a company im not promised any stock in... ill fork out the douch if i get it back (ive spent more in projects before that barely payed themselves off, but its a learning expierience)

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:31 pm
by sandman
ya, i totally didnt know the picks came with it, i guess i can see maybe 300 for the whole lot of locks and picks, but not 500,

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:07 pm
by Smhatter
It doesn't seem to bad really. Take away $75 for the picks. So you're looking at $425. Well, some of those locks are a buck or two a piece, but some are closer to $20 or so on eBay. Since you aren't likely to find an assortment like this all in one shot on ebay, maybe you buy those from (optimistically) 20 sellers. Say they use flat rate postage. You're at $100 right there just in shipping before the cost of the locks. It adds up rather fast even on eBay. (It is free on that by the way)

Besides that, the pinning work is valid. Some people don't want to (the same people that will pay $200 for computer repair at a shop instead of tossing the kid down the street $25)

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:55 am
by Wizer
I´m in for $100. Expecting to get 20 picks, 3 locks, t-shirt, etc. in a month or so.
Cool project, but a long one. It started about a year ago. ... -locksport

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:07 am
by Oldfast
Personally, I don't know alot about the production of his picks, other than he had an overwhelming response as far as donations (enough to quite his job & pursue his!). But, I've recently been looking over many of his articles & talks and I have to say I'm quite impressed with his work. Just my opinion, but it seems to me that he's done a great deal for the lockpicking community (& society- as far as security goes). I've certainly learned some good stuff from him. The guy's VERY passionate about locks (boarder-line obbsessive), which is part of what I like about him I think lol. Also, NDE magazine is an absolute wealth of information... I need to start reading more of them.

Sandman, you absolutely :hbg: I just seen this post & thought I'd take the opportunity to talk about someone that's thoroughly impressed me lately. Anyone who's just lovin' the livin' shit outta this hobby & soaks up all the info they can- definitely take a look at some of Schuyler's work.

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:34 am
by chieflittlehorse
I wouldn't spend $500 on that lot! You can buy cylinderes for $10-$20 a piece thru a locksmith supplier. A combination lock for $10, etc. The most I've seen for a cut-a-way lock was probably $50.

It not so much what type of lock or cylinder your dealing with when trying to learn. If you know your basic key identification and shimming, and how to cut a key by code/or pin up a lock using a pin kit then your should have no problem dealing with locks.

When a customer brings you a lock/key it is either to have it rekeyed or duplicated. Unless the lock is malfunctioning in some way.

Hope this helps you... but if I had $500 to spend, I'd spend it elsewhere!

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:22 am
by chris
chieflittlehorse wrote:It not so much what type of lock or cylinder your dealing with when trying to learn. If you know your basic key identification and shimming, and how to cut a key by code/or pin up a lock using a pin kit then your should have no problem dealing with locks.

When a customer brings you a lock/key it is either to have it rekeyed or duplicated. Unless the lock is malfunctioning in some way.

Hope this helps you... but if I had $500 to spend, I'd spend it elsewhere!

I agree it's too expensive, but you do get all the picks and stuff like that from the previous donation levels. This guy isn't setting this stuff up for learning Locksmithing, he's releasing it for aspiring Locksport Enthusiasts who want to learn to pick different kinds of locks. Not set up a business.

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:18 am
by sandman
chris wrote: This guy isn't setting this stuff up for learning Locksmithing, he's releasing it for aspiring Locksport Enthusiasts who want to learn to pick different kinds of locks. .

agreed, but when was the last time you could afford $500 for a new hobby you want to try out? lol

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:40 pm
by chris
Haha, post deployment? Yeah its too expensive, but I was just saying for Chief that it isn't for locksmithing.

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:17 pm
by xeo
Schuyler = toolbox

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:39 pm
by james504
i didnt take it like that i thought that the locks ,the picks ,and whatever else was just a bonus for the people that donated $500 i didnt think he was just out right selling the stuff ,maybe i took it wrong but i thought it was just a way to get back something for donating ???.. :hbg:

Re: $500 lock library?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:40 pm
by cyrus104
You are correct it is as a bonus. The Kickstarter project is asking for donations to develop a set of picks that has received a lot of feedback from experienced people in the community. If you talk with him he openly shares as much knowledge as he give you without making your brain explode. During the manufacturing he has run into many issues and has worked on getting that information to the community along with tips and solutions that have been found.

I already have right under 750 locks in my collection and over half are decent to really nice. I did put in the 500$ support and have the bonus of getting the lock collection. I put money together with a couple of other people but this collection will be our local hackerspace as traveling kit for newbies and demonstrations.

So if you only look at it as buying a product you've missed the entire point. I'm a working professional as many of you are and I honestly don't have the time to build a collection like this along with a number of custom produced picks, so this is an amazing bonus for supporting a good cause.

No, I'm not schyler. I do wish I had his knowledge and skill combination. I've meet / talked with him a couple of times and have always had a fun time where I learned something new.