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Ropework bound handle on wiper-blade pick.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:28 am
by Steelbacks
Somewhere here there should be a pic (if the file's uploaded properly, which admittedly, it might not!) and if it has, the pic shows a couple of Southord picks I've smoothed off a little, then above that the type of wiper-blade reinforcement I made the pick from, then above that, the actual pick I made with knotwork bound handle. Southord picks are just there for comparison/scale.


Re: Ropework bound handle on wiper-blade pick.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:32 am
by 9uy3
Nice! How do you like the oversized handle that the rope creates? Looks comfy.

Re: Ropework bound handle on wiper-blade pick.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:57 am
by Steelbacks
Not used it too much yet. Did the handle, took the photo, got it on my computer, then posted it. As soon as that was done I was out the door to do some shopping and have been busy all afternoon. Just signed on to see what reaction I've had from my post. Handle seems fine, though I may try a similar handle with a finer cord so that the handle is still textured (for grip) but is a little smoother than this handle. Plan to do some more handles on my Southord picks over then next week or two while I'm away.

Would be interested in other opinions if people feel like posting. Happy to answer any questions.


Re: Ropework bound handle on wiper-blade pick.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:40 pm
by LocksmithArmy
looks totally badass... prolly feels great... but hows the feedback... i cant imagine it transfers thru rope well

Re: Ropework bound handle on wiper-blade pick.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:24 pm
by Steelbacks
LocksmithArmy wrote:looks totally badass... prolly feels great... but hows the feedback... i cant imagine it transfers thru rope well

Cord is nylon, but fine. A bit like a course silk rope... ish. Knotwork is very tight. Traditionally used to make fenders for boats, especially inland waterways like canals. Obviously fenders are a lot bigger and the rope is too, but they're designed to last a good few months protecting the hull of a boat as it bumps in and out of locks. The locks are stone, concrete and brick and when there's 20 or 30 tonnes of boat bumping around it can do a lot of damage. The fenders are pretty tough and the knotwork really tight. It feels smooth, yet textured. Lighter than a rubber/plastic/metal handle. Because the cord is so tight the handle is solid, so feedback is little if at all different to a solid handle. The picks is gripped tight, so there's no twisting the handle and finding that the pick's not moving in the lock, just rotating in the handle.

If there's anything at all wrong with the pick, it's probably that it's a little too flexible for heavy-handed pickers or where a little more pressure than usual needs to be put on a pin. It glides in, but bends under a lot of pressure. Needs a light hand and a lock with pins that move with a gentle pressure. I've also found that it's not got a steep enough curve near the tip, so can't reach under low set pins to get the next pin if it's set high.

Other than that, it's really good. Small tip gets right under most pins and lifts them, even when it's not strong/curved enough to get in there and set them.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Happy to give more details if anyone wants to make their own handles. Real easy (when you know how).
