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Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:07 am
by edsmiley
This is not necessarily a homemade tool, but something to hold those tools. :smile:

I showed my lovely wife this video and she said "Yeah, I can do that!". A few hours later she came back with this and it is great. She said that she did not want me posting it because there were some little mistakes, but I think it is pretty damn awesome!!



Picks before going in:

Picks tucked away!:

Flap down!:

Rolled up and ready to go!:

We are already thinking of some improvement for version 2.0. Let me know what you think!!


Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:15 am
by mdc5150
I think your wife is her own worst critic. It looks awesome and I sure can't see any flaws on that case.

This is not a criticism but a suggestion. Could you use velcro instead of strings to secure it when it is closed?

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:23 am
by falcon
Thats awesome!

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:29 am
by .45cal
Wow you did a great job on that!

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:55 am
by mister sour
I like that alot! How about a smller version?

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:39 pm
by Oldfast
Very nice!! I like it.

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:31 pm
by jailersmith
Do I detect a possible cottage industry for members?

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:50 pm
by MBI
I LIKE it.

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:26 pm
by edsmiley
I'll ask about the Velcro. I was thinking the ties would be best depending on the thickness of the picks you have in there. Might work, thanks for the idea!

Thanks for all the other comments. Here is what I am thinking for 2.0:

1. Maybe an inch taller to fit longer picks.
2. Some embroidery on the flap.
3. Maybe a pocket for tension tools instead of a slot

Any other ideas?


Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:49 pm
by Aedalas
edsmiley wrote:Any other ideas?
Just one. Sell them to us!

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:05 pm
by piotr
Excellent! I'd buy one.

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:07 pm
by MBI
I think the case is excellent. It's one of the best tool rolls for picks I've seen anyone make, if not the best.

As for version 2.0, I like the idea of having it an inch taller as you mentioned, just in case.

Also, on the end opposite the ties (the end where you start rolling it from), I think having a large pocket would be handy. About the size of two of your pick compartments and go the full width of the roll, right from the fold-over flap to the seam at the opposite side. It could be fastened either by zipper or a velcro flap. The opening should be perpendicular to the length of the case, basically so the opening points towards the end with the tie closures. This could be used for loids/shims or any other miscellaneous tools you carry with your picks.

I agree that a different arrangement for the tension wrenches might also be a good idea. Partly because they're shorter and might fall out of the case easier. Like maybe have an inner fold-over flap over the two compartments on the end (both the one where you put your tension wrenches, and the compartment next to it). The cover could attach about an inch down from the top of the case leaving less room for the wrenches to slip out the top of the pocket, and fasten down with velcro.

For longevity, I'd redesign the closure flap with the button holes and the closure ties. I'd have it be the full width of the case instead of being slightly narrower than the rest of the case. I'd round off the corners slightly so they don't flap around and catch on things. I'd also add some kind of stiffener to that flap, maybe even just in the form of a couple layers of denim or canvas on that area to make it more robust. I'd even consider sewing a strip of 1" nylon webbing across that flap, right at the edge of the buttonholes to ensure that the ends of the buttonholes don't rip through when the ties are pulled tight, over and over during use. I'd also space the button holes slightly further apart.

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:17 pm
by LocksmithArmy
one of the best rolls ive seen... kudoes to your wifey

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:46 pm
by Mittens
She did a really good job, better then mine by far. I've been sewing up small ones for a few picks here and there so they don't have to be smashed in one case that a few picks came with prior.

It's all been by eye for me, I'll have to check the video out and try my hand at it.

Re: Homemade Case

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:56 pm
by mastersmith
If this is a "flawed" case, I can't wait to see the case your wife is happy with! This is awesome. She could pick up a few extra bucks for groceries...