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temp sizing

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:17 pm
by srbinkalot8275
Okay this might be a dumb question but here goes. I have alot of temps from the net and i am ready to make my home brew picks. I have a problem with what the size should be. Some have a ruler next to them, but when i put a ruler on the screen they dont match sizes. I have tried zooming in and zooming out, but it dont get the right size still. How to i fix this problem so my picks are the right size or at least close. Thanks for the help. I hope i put this in the right area this time fellas. :shock:

Re: temp sizing

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:02 pm
by piotr
If you use a graphics package like Photoshop or the free Paint.NET you should be able to scale the templates up and down as you require. Where a template doesn't have a scale, just scale to a reasonable size using one of your commercial picks as reference. Because picks have to fit inside keyholes their "business end", the working tip is roughly the same size on all classes of picks (eg. Euro/Japan vs. US).

If you are striving for absolute fidelity to the original design and you don't have a scale then name the pick you want to reproduce, if it is a commercial pick then one of our forum members is likely to have that pick and can provide you the dimensions.

Re: temp sizing

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:04 pm
by Riyame
Sometimes you will not be able to get them to line up correctly. The easiest way is to just print off a trial page and then compare it.

Re: temp sizing

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:31 pm
by srbinkalot8275
Okay thank you guys. I feel pretty dumb for that one. I like the romstar picks and the falle safe picks. Ill be making them first.