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Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:41 pm
by Oldfast
Feb. 25, 2011 post from lp101- I normally do not take time to transfer posts from one forum to the other, except my gutshots. But, since this is one of only three picks I've ever made (& the only tutorial I've ever wrote) thought I'd share it.

I sometimes feel a little guilty taking SO much from this site and giving very little. So I snapped some pictures throughout the process of making my third homemade pick and thought I'd share them. For many of you, this whole process is like second nature, but I thought it'd be neat for you to see what all your posts have helped me do- thanks guys

I came across some old knives at my local second-hand store. I'm not to keen on recognizing good steel from bad, but they looked fairly old, and they passed the "bend test". So, I bought all four of them for only 40 cents. I wanted to make a duplicate of one of my favorite picks from my slimline set - deforest pick (aka, off-set 1/2 ball).

The template for this was obviously pretty easy.


Then it's off to the bench grinder. This probably takes me longer than it should, but I'm always afraid of over-heating it. So I take it down very slowly, quenching it in ice water after every 2-3 light stokes. Leaving the handle on the blade for this initial phase made for easier work and more control.


I'm left with a rough, but fairly precise shape.


An assortment of hand files (+ some time) brings me closer yet.


One more problem though before I can start sanding. As you can see, the width is perfect for the handle but way too wide for the pick. I was tempted to use the bench grinder, a belt sander, or a dremel to thin it out, but was too afraid by this point LOL. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't. Some adhesive sandpaper on a piece of wood gave me a very controlled taper in much less time than I had expected.




Now for the sanding phase. This could be exhausting if it weren't for the fact that I rather enjoy it (and I'm a little on the obsessive side). Grits: 220, 400, 600, 800, 1000-wet, 2000-wet, and finally, a dremel and some toothpaste. Did someone say mirror finish? lol





I've been using this pick for several days now and absolutely love it - hence, way too many pictures (sorry about that). The specs are nearly exact to that of my SouthOrd slimline, right down to the weight at exactly 3 ounces (unintentional). It's just as small but with far less flex, giving me alot more feedback. Thanks again to everyone here who help make this hobby so enjoyable for me.

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:00 pm
by piotr
That's a great reproduction and polish. Nice work.

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:52 pm
by happykill
OLdddFaASTTT!! Beautiful work man, i'm impressed. :drool:

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:38 am
by darkhorse
fanfookintastic stuff

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:45 am
by zck113
Did you get this idea from me? I mentioned the possiblity of using a butter knife for a pick a few days ago, just curious :D great work though, looks sturdy

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:59 am
by uklockpicker
Excellent work :drool: very nice picks oldfast

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:15 am
by falcon
Nice piece of work

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:40 am
by LocksmithArmy
that looks amazing, great work man

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:17 am
by bezza1
great work man that look awsome

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:01 am
by .45cal
WOW that is a nice finish you defiantly are a little OCD.

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:45 am
by Oldfast
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys. Almost 4 months in, and this pick's still goin' strong, and still one of my favorites. Granted, there's more excess material to be taken off when working with these..... but in terms of quality/strength/longevity, cutlery seems to be a better medium than wiper inserts or hacksaw blades.

Tooly has a great write-up on the different brands out there... what to look for.. and what to stay away from. I can't find it for the life of me, so if someone could post a link for all to enjoy, that'd be great. I know Awol (wizzwazzle) has made some killer picks from cutlery as well.

The remaining three knives will probably be used for some hooks... they seem to be my "go-to" guys lately.
.45cal wrote:WOW that is a nice finish you defiantly are a little OCD.

hahAAA! Yeah, tell me about it! But that's ok. A wise man once said, "In order to be good at something, you must be a little obsessive."

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:55 pm
by mister sour
I love them OOOLLLLDDFFASSTT!!! Im tempted to make my own now. Good stuff, very motivational.

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:17 pm
by james504
great job bro ,been wanting to make one out of a knife never did ......looks great!

Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:06 pm
by jwfenbend
Oldfast- - Thats one hell-of-a-job on those picks, , you've got some patients
and some great talant-!


Re: Oldfast's Picks & Tensors

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:35 pm
by Oldfast
jwfenbend wrote:Oldfast- - Thats one hell-of-a-job on those picks, , you've got some patients
and some great talant-!

Thanks so much and welcome to the forum! Your 1st post is some praise for Oldfast...Shit, I like you already John LOL.

lol. What I lack in talent, I make up for with patience! Very few things (including picking) come naturally to me. But I try to enjoy the time, practice, patients, and effort that goes into getting better. Hence, my sig line : ) When frustrated, ALWAYS refer back to the sig line. I hope ya come to love this hobby & forum as much as I do John.