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How to make plastic pick handles!



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Post Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:13 am

How to make plastic pick handles!

I have finally perfected the art of plastic pick handle making.
You will end up with something similar to or (Hopefully) better than mine here

First thing you will need to do is get some plastic of your choice any color will do just as long as the two pieces are slightly larger than the pick handle that you are adding the handle to.
Large wall wart plastic cover pieces work great and that's what I used.
You will then want to take your pick handle to the grinder and rough it up a bit so it stays in the plastic.
Next you will want to get a lighter or small torch (preferred) and something flat to push the plastic together with.
With the rough pick handle in the center and vice gripped or vice begin heating and folding the plastic over top of the other side melting the two pieces together.
When both the top and bottom have been melted together heat the sides of the plastic to a very melted state and give it a squeeze in the vice to stick it to the pick.
When you are done with that dremel the pick flat all the way around so that way there is a smooth surface.
when you are done use something to make the grip imprints. I used grit paper on mine. You can also heat it up as hot as you can with the torch until it bubbles up and then barely squeeze in the vice for a decent grip. Finally sand down everything until it is how you like it and it works well.

Here is a video tutorial covering some of the things I may have missed in the text tut:

Part 1

Part 2

Tell me how it works out for you and enjoy!
Push the pins up one by one till the pickin' is done.
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Post Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:40 am

Re: How to make plastic pick handles!

Great tutorail!
Only part 2 was a bit failed :p
But after that failing i think everybody will know what ya mean.


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Post Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:36 pm

Re: How to make plastic pick handles!

Have you thought of using casein to mold handles from?
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Post Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:39 am

Re: How to make plastic pick handles!

I grant that this is a resourceful method of manufacturing homebrew handles but I would strongly advise against it. You correctly note that burning plastic stinks and it burns bright. Unfortunately burning PVC also produces dioxin -- one of the most toxic of substances:


The dioxins will accumulate in your body so adding handles to the whole set of your picks will have an additive toxic effect. Even if you aren't burning PVC other plastics produce toxic gases when burnt. For example, the polystyrene polymers when burnt produce styrene gas (http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/index.cfm?obje ... C0676E8859).

A good alternative is a product like Plasti Dip: http://www.plastidip.com/

Have fun but don't risk your health in the process.

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