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Georgia Power WB




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Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:50 am

Post Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:06 am

Georgia Power WB

Has anyone impressioned a Georgia power WB with the B keyway? I have a DP&L WB I would like to get a key for also. Unfortunately my eyesight is not that well, I've destroid about 10 blanks trying already. I'm pretty sure the GP lock is obsolete as they are owned by a different company, they may have installed new locks by now. I have several different bohannans with logos on them. I wish i could find someone with a bunch of precut B keys, I've got lucky on a couple matches for locks I've found at flea markets and antuque dealers.


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Post Mon May 24, 2021 10:06 am

Re: Georgia Power WB

There are a lot of WB logos! http://antique-padlocks.com/wb.htm
I found it fairly easy to make a working key from another collector's picture.

As for the impressioning, What tools are you using? It sounds like you need better lighting and magnification.
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