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Weiser (wr5) Cylinder bypass with wire?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:29 pm
by R691
I've noticed on the newest weiser locks coming in at work that they now have a small disc/wafer at the back of the cylinder. Very similar to the wafer inserted into American Padlocks to prevent the Peterson bypass. Does anyone have detailed knowledge of what these have been introduced to prevent?

Re: Weiser (wr5) Cylinder bypass with wire?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:14 am
by awol70
R691 wrote:I've noticed on the newest weiser locks coming in at work that they now have a small disc/wafer at the back of the cylinder. Very similar to the wafer inserted into American Padlocks to prevent the Peterson bypass. Does anyone have detailed knowledge of what these have been introduced to prevent?

yes, these are called security wafers,and are present to prevent any type of bypass tool : ie peterson mini-knife or american bypass tool from being used.
(which,incidentally can be used to bypass many types of padlock.)
here is a short vid i did explaining security wafers...

hope that helps.

Re: Weiser (wr5) Cylinder bypass with wire?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:13 pm
by R691
What piqued my curiousity is that these wafers are in the deadbolt cylinders.