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Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!



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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:23 pm

Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

Ability to join has passed as of Dec 15, 2015
OK! So Christmas is fast approaching and what could be better than a gift from our keypicking buddies!

How can I participate??

Secret Santa is open to any member in good standing that has over 50 posts. An exception can be made if you have positive feedback or a well known member vouchs for you.

What kind of a gift should I give??

It would be good to clarify what the value of the gift should be...... There is not a low or high limit.... What the gift should be is something that the member recipient should use, cherish, enjoy and remember.... It is highly encouraged to read through your recipients posts and to try to figure out what he/she would use and enjoy.

Give what you can.... Give within your means.... If you have the means, then by all means...... I'll leave it at that....

Remember the point of this is to have fun giving, not receiving. This is Christmas for Christ sake.

PLEASE READ ALL BELOW! This is the part where you officially sign up for this lovely event


1. Post that you want to participate on THIS thread... THEN IMMEDIATELY!! Private Message (PM) me with your name and your full address... If you say you are in, and I don't get a PM with your info, then you are not in!

2. On the 15th of December at midnight US central time entry for Secret Santa ends... I will gather all the participants names and put them in a random generator. Secret Santas are not reciprocal, meaning the member you are Secret Santa for is not necessarily your Secret Santa (Completely random, but it may happen). That night, (or morning) I will PM you back with who you are the Secret Santa for.

3. You should try to have your Secret Santa Gift to your recipient by the 25th of December.

4. Mark your parcel in some way with Secret Santa so the member doesn't inadvertently open it. It is OK to include your name in a place so when the package is opened on Christmas, the person can know who it was from.

5. When you get your package, post a pic of it by the tree, upside down tree, menorah or what have you.

6. The spirit of Secret Santa is to include all of our overseas and American continent neighbors.... However, If shipping to an overseas member would cause a financial hardship, please let me know when you send your PM. and I will make sure you are paired with a closer partner

7. When you get the name of your member, it may be helpful to review his/her posts and find their likes and dislikes. This can be exhausting and difficult, but it makes it part of the fun!

8. When Christmas day comes, we post what our Secret Santas got us.

9. Make sure you PM me with your address!!! Cant do this without an address........!!!!!!!

I made a spreadsheet that I will update periodically. It will list members who are participating and if I have their information. CHECK AND MAKE SURE I HAVE YOUR INFORMATION. If I don't then send it to me.

******** All I ask is that if you do commit to this, then please follow through. If for some reason you decide to back out, let me know as soon as possible and arrangements can be made so someone isn't left out. Lets not make people cover for the one or two scrooges who commit to the event and then disappear. ************

Last edited by Korver15 on Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:03 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Sargent Mossberg
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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:35 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

First one...I am in!
femurat: They're called restricted for a reason...
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GWiens2001: Great video! Learned a lot about what fun can be had with a forklift and a chainsaw.
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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:03 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

2nd, I am in :)
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Familiar Face

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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:25 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

I'm in
jeffmoss26: pardon my ignorance to the real world, but what started all this mess in B'more
jeffmoss26: it's bad enough that city has the Ravens

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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:58 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

Nibbler: The poop-eradication is but one aspect of your importance.


Familiar Face

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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:21 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

PM sent...Ho,Ho,Ho



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Familiar Face

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Post Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:31 am

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

Ill PM my self
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Familiar Face

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Post Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:14 am

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

I'm in. Sending PM now.
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Post Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:33 am

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

You know it. PM inbound


Familiar Face

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Post Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:06 am

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

I've got some Xmas cheer to spread!


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Post Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:42 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

Oh sure, why not. I am in :P
PhoneMan: I always knew I'd say something stupid and it would be someone's sig
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Post Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:25 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

Check out my "LockPickingLawyer" YouTube channel:


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OldddffAASSTT the Spin Master Extraordinaire and American Lock Slayer
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Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:39 am

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

Thanks for your time in putting this together & making it happen.

Sending PM. Ho Ho HooooOOOOOOO
" Enjoy the journey AS MUCH as the destination."

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Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:07 pm

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

I am in!!! If I dont have enough posts, Talk to Jeff!! :D :D :D
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Familiar Face

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Post Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:33 am

Re: Official Secret Santa Christmas Exchange!

If possible, i want to be in :)

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