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Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

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Post Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:18 pm

Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

Wasn't sure where to post this so here seems like a good spot.

I was researching The Miller Lock Company and stumbled across a few different catalogs so I'll offer up the links to some pdf's and/or a link to the sites as I find them.I hope you find them interesting or useful for historical research or as reference material for your collections.

Please feel free to add any product descriptions, catalogs, old advertising etc. if you feel they are relevant to the thread as I would like to see us build up a database

Main page of Internet Archive.com A searchable database of online texts as well as other mediums. Free sign up may be required (check out open library if there's a particular book you are interested in. You may be able to read, borrow or buy it herehttps://openlibrary.org/)

Toronto Lock Mfg. Co.
https://ia801904.us.archive.org/2/items ... ToLoCo.pdf

Miller Lock Co.
https://archive.org/stream/MillerLockC0 ... 0/mode/2up (Link fixed)

https://archive.org/details/TheCorbinAL ... heUnitPlan
https://archive.org/details/CatalogNo.2 ... rsHardware

https://archive.org/details/SixOfTheEig ... leEquipped

https://archive.org/details/PositiveSec ... nationLock

https://archive.org/details/LockwoodBui ... talogNo.20
Last edited by Doogs on Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:14 pm, edited 9 times in total.
The other, other, other, other Mike

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Sargent Mossberg
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Post Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:36 pm

Re: Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

Very cool, I have a few Corbin catalogs/books I downloaded from archive.org, I love learning the history of these lock companies.
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Post Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:11 pm

Re: Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

The other, other, other, other Mike

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Post Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:39 pm

Re: Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

Very cool stuff doogs.... :smile:


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Post Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:50 am

Re: Historical Catalogs and Curiosities


Thanks for the great info!
Very much enjoying browsing the old locks and hardware.



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The Prestigious and Powerful Porcine Prelate

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Post Sun Dec 28, 2014 4:49 am

Re: Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

Great stuff! For historical stuff, I LOVE this site:


In fact, the museum is very, very close to me, I really should go again. I went maybe 8 years ago but my understanding has grown since then (obviously).


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:52 pm

Re: Historical Catalogs and Curiosities

A link to the "Short History and Guide to Picking American Locks" written by Oldfast.


Thanks Mike for this excellent writeup on American Locks

P.S. This thread is a must read for the sheer volume of information that has been posted here. Not just for American locks but for many makes and models. Piotr posted links for all the major manufacturers and their brands making for excellent research material.
The other, other, other, other Mike

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