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Days like today.....

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:34 pm
by mdc5150
So I start the day out by smashing my hand between a pallet and a 300lb safe door scraping the shit out of my hand. Tore chunks of meat off my fingers. I ran home had my brother help patch my hand up.

Got back to the shop with my hand still throbbing and had to go install *a* Detex alarm on a door at a dollar store. I got to the store where she handed me a box with two Detex units in it instead. She pointed at two different doors and I said I would start at the one I could see and then later have her show me where the other one was. After setting off the original Detex alarm the manager explained to me that the reason I'm installing new units is that she does not have a working key for the old one. I rush out to my van get my tubular pick and shut the damn thing off. Get the first one installed and go and ask where the manager is at. She tells me the manager just went to the bank but there is only one other door in the place so I get the other one installed a lot quicker than the first and I'm out of there.

I get back to the shop and my boss tells me they just called and need me to call them again at the dollar store. I call them up and the cashier had told me the wrong door I had to go back and take it off the second door and put it on the door that didn't exist before. I get back, take it off the second door and get it installed on the newly found door and open the door to test it..............I installed it on the wrong side of the door.

I take it down and put it on the other side of the door (it had every indication it opened from the right not the left) and get the hell out of there. I can really do without days like this.

Re: Days like today.....

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:37 pm
by Riyame
Wow, looks like your Monday came a day late.

Re: Days like today.....

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:12 pm
by Oldfast
Oh man... I really hope your hand didn't get it too bad.

Sometimes the only thing to look foward to throughout the day.... is the fact that it WILL end eventually.

Thanks for helpin' me out. All-of-a-sudden, my day (which I felt wasn't all too good) just got a little better. lol

And.... hate to admit it.... but I couldn't help but laugh at some of your misfortune. But hey, if we can't laugh at ourselves, well.. ya know.

Re: Days like today.....

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:46 pm
by Violaetor
Oldfast wrote:But hey, if we can't laugh at ourselves, well.. ya know.

...We'll always have you to do it for us. :razz:

Re: Days like today.....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:52 pm
by m0ose
Good thing days like those aren't a constant factor. Sounds like it was a rough one, and I hope your hand heals up nice and quick.

Re: Days like today.....

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:36 pm
by exiluxis
Look at the bright side. Its days like that maks you smile at the normal days