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Nothing like screwing up a lock

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:48 am
So I gutted one of my BEST locks and while doing that I wasn't paying too much attention and boom, one of the stacks of pins went flying which was unexpected and then another stack went flying but after that I got my pin shooting plug under control but when I went to put the lock back together I had to guess which pins went where (driver pins, not key pins) and once I got the thing back together and locked it up I found out two of the pins don't want to move. Is there a reason for this happening? What could have gone wrong? By the way, even though this doesn't really matter here are the pins.

Re: Nothing like screwing up a lock

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:00 am
by mister sour
u might've put the larger drivers in the wrong spot. when u misplace a large driver, where there should be a smaller one, u lose the space nesscessary to move pins up and down. it can also compress your springs. if it gets to where u gotta explore DE, i have a drill jig that'll do the job.