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Keys as earings




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Post Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:28 pm

Keys as earings

Sale on ebay shows a lady from the 50's wearing a key blank(s) as earings.

Do you think that there might be a market for key blanks as earings or pierceings?

Can anyone id the blank?



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Post Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:15 pm

Re: Keys as earings

Not sure about the market for them, but that looks like it is a Segal blank.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs...
See those kids standing by the lake...drop some napalm and watch them bake.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs.


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Post Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:01 pm

Re: Keys as earings

I would use caution when making keys in to jewerly. Via Barry Wel's blog Blackbag in 2009 a Florida man "[for] wearing handcuff keys on a necklace draped around his neck, a homeless Miami Beach man could face years in prison". http://blackbag.nl/?p=940

For this clown a "Concealed Handcuff Key Gets Joseph M. Perez Jr. Charged with Another Crime" http://www.realnewsrealfast.com/article.php/concealed-handcuff-key-gets-joseph-m-perez-jr-charged-with-another-crime-13578

The Florida law URL http://law.onecle.com/florida/crimes/843.021.html


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Post Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:22 pm

Re: Keys as earings

So don't use a handcuff key for the jewelry..
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs...
See those kids standing by the lake...drop some napalm and watch them bake.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs.


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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:45 am

Re: Keys as earings

chris wrote:So don't use a handcuff key for the jewelry..

i loled :lol:


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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: Keys as earings

Wait! what! I keep a handcuff key on my key-chain all the time is this really illegal?


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Post Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:06 pm

Re: Keys as earings

Check your local laws...the link for Florida laws states that any handcuff key that is attempted to be concealed is illegal. You can notify upon arrest that you have the key and you won't be charged, as long as you notify immediately. If it is on your keyring of keys, you are ok. That is Florida law...so check your own.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs...
See those kids standing by the lake...drop some napalm and watch them bake.
Naaapaalm...sticks to kids...it sticks to the belly and it sticks to the ribs.

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