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Hey guys......



Familiar Face

Posts: 106

Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:38 am

Post Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:31 am

Hey guys......

Sorry I not been around lately........ had a real nice 6 month relationship end because she was a very silly girl. Anyway, I'm around still at LP mostly.... but you all know you can contact me direct on SPENCERWEBBatNTLWORLDdotCOM if you want stuff done :)

Thanks for the MSG by the way Gabriel...... really lightened me right up when I was having a bad time. I am always very much appreciative of the fact people who I've not even met in person are so kind & concearned. Really means a lot to me. :)




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The Supply Guy - Honored Benefactor
The Supply Guy - Honored Benefactor

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Post Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:22 am

Re: Hey guys......

Ok Spence buddy, dont let the woman get you down ;) nice to see you passing bye - ;)


Familiar Face

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Post Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:27 am

Re: Hey guys......

hi Sp buddy hope all is well with you just bounce back mate and do wot you do best plenty of fish in the sea btw hows yer car all done know mine just cost me a packet chat real soon lock p mick west London.

the lockpickkid

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I've Been Banned!!
I've Been Banned!!

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Post Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:46 am

Re: Hey guys......

Thanks for the MSG by the way Gabriel...... really lightened me right up

LOL! you mean the lockpickkid right? !!!!, your welcome man, I just hadn't seen you in awhile, wondered when you were coming back to KP.
I have been in the souls of many women, but I always end up on the soles of there shoes.

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