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Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$




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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:08 am

Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

I am asking a question that may or may not be too sensitive or confidential.
If so, a simple "No Comment" would be helpfull. Out of curiosity has the addition of the ad banners generated any revenue?

Fairness dictates that everyone who uses the site contribute towards the expense. I know that not everyone can afford to contribute $$$.

Some of the users on this site are excellent pickmakers. Even the not so good pickmakers can create "acceptable" picks.

Even if I had the needed skill or talent there is no way in hell that I could make picks given the lack of suitable space, equipment, and the mess created.

Could a system be setup where custom or bespoke picks and or tools are created for users with the cost or part of the cost donated to keypicking.

In exchange for $10 of steel and a few hours of your time and skill, Keypicking could get $50 to $100 ?

Perhaps some of the pickmakers could come up with a guide to pricing their work for those that want to buy vs make their own


Lord Emeritus of Keypicking HallisChalmers

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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:11 am

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

Not much has been generated from the ads, but I have received PayPal contributions from a few members (and you know who you are) and trust me, the donations are greatly appreciated.

I have been thinking of creating a "Donation Forum" for lack of a better term, that will more accurately encapsulate the idea that you are proposing. The forum would be created for the purpose of generating a donation pool of funds that would go towards addressing the monthly dedicated server costs.

This is what I propose:

1. Interested members that would like to donate items such as lock picks, locks, or other related hardware and tools, would post the availability of such items in the "Donation Forum", with a suggested price quoted in the thread.

2. The person interested in purchasing the item would contact the seller directly, arrange for payment and shipping of the item (I suggest using PayPal) and then send me a PM advising that Member X purchased the item from Member Y @ $$$.

3. That will then allow me to keep track of the donations that are coming in – as well as the person donating/purchasing items.
4. FYI - I need to come up with some type of special “rank” that would show up in your profile to denote your status. (I’m still trying to figure that out, as I’d like it to be different than just “Contributor”. Suggestions?)

5. Once the transaction and payment to donor is completed, the donor would then send the quoted donation amount to KeyPicking, via PayPal.

6. Donors need to realize that he/she (the donor) will incur dual transaction fees (depending on the monetary amount involved) for (i) receiving the payment from the buyer, and then (ii) sending that payment to KeyPicking.

What are your thoughts? Would this be an agreeable method of generating donations, without having me wrap my around your necks every month, crying on your shoulders for money, like a whiny little sniveling twerp?

Keep in mind that the cost of the server is approx. $190/month or $2280 a year – so it does add up for a working stiff like me. [Cue violins and crying lamentation of women]

If any of you have suggestions or ideas, then by all means, please share them here.



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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:33 am

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

Sounds like a nice idea. The only part that would concern me is the "rank" part of it. Although i do agree on the lines if your making good contributions its nice to be known to be. But may seem daunting on newbies or people that are shall we say less able to donate in such a manner.

As for the whle idea i think it could work very well. And if the items to be donated are going to be paid by paypal then could the buyer not pay directly into the keypicking paypal acount to keep transaction costs down? Just an idea, obviously it the donater is going to be out of pocket on postage, then another form of agreement could be made.
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Lord Emeritus of Keypicking HallisChalmers

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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:43 am

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

bouncer965 wrote:Sounds like a nice idea. The only part that would concern me is the "rank" part of it. Although i do agree on the lines if your making good contributions its nice to be known to be. But may seem daunting on newbies or people that are shall we say less able to donate in such a manner.

As for the whle idea i think it could work very well. And if the items to be donated are going to be paid by PayPal then could the buyer not pay directly into the keypicking paypal acount to keep transaction costs down? Just an idea, obviously it the donater is going to be out of pocket on postage, then another form of agreement could be made.

Well, although I used to be a trusting soul - I've learned that you need to cover your ass when it comes to money.

Here's the pitfall from where I stand: If the buyer sends KP the funds directly - then the seller doesn't recoup his shipping costs, as the funds come to the KP acct - not the seller. Otherwise, KP would have to send the seller his portion of the shipping fee - or the seller needs to not only donate his item - but also eat the shipping cost.

Yes, the seller will incur a transaction fee when sending the donation amount to KP - but it should be quite a bit less than the shipping charges would be, especially if it is an internationally shipped item, as opposed to a domestically shipped item.

I would prefer not to "punish" the seller/donor by making him pay for the shipping costs to the buyer. As you know, shipping costs (either postal or FedEx/UPS) are continually increasing.

If the buyer pays the seller directly - the seller gets his shipping fees and then just transfers money to KP.

I want to keep the entire donation aspect as transparent and easy as possible.


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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:54 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

i just donated. it wasn't much but I did what I could

the lockpickkid

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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:56 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

Well, don't take me wrong ok... I think that this is a good forum and I know that alot of people have locks and stuff that they don't want, I for one have some locks and other stuff that I don't use and I could very easily donate it. For me having the funds go directly into KP is less of a headache, I think the donor should pay the shipping, look at it this way, I donate 4 masterlocks, you want them, you pay KP 10 dollars, fine, to me to pay 7 dollars to ship is a small price to pay to keep the site running, we are not going to be forced to donate, so if you can't afford it, don't do it, Right??? Also, maybe we should put tags on the donated items, will ship to U.S, and will ship anywhere, in case somebody was worried about the extra cost of shipping. As for a Keypicking tag, I think it should be earned after 3 successful transactions, and the tag shall be "donor"
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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:28 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

I agree with the lockpickkid. i would be more then willing to make a pickset and sell it, if it benefited the site in some way


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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:49 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

Well...here is goes..im not buying the whole i dont have any money to donate from anyone. Not saying anyone in this thread has said that...but one..nobody has extra money for anything right now, yes the economy is crap..but a $1 or $5 ...come on! Dont drink an extra soda or tun in a few soda cans or wait on buying an extra lock to pick..This site is not asking for much and gives a whole hell of a lot. Like it was said earlier someone can sell something and some of the proceeds can go to the site (and that should be stated in the ad.) But to use this site and not give back somehow is a crock of sh--t. If people want to donate they will find a way..If they they dont want to they wont.. I just find is b.s that people use this site, take information from and dont contribute posts, or help keep the site running. Not that we dont have enough forums already but maybe we should have a forum were we could talk about how to generate money to keep afloat and make site even better ?? The more givers we have on this site and less takers it will become and stay one of the top lockpicking sites around.

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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:22 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

I like this site.. that's why i just donated $20.. its not that hard.. you just click a couple of buttons :)


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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:32 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

Way to go unclegut !!! Your helping keep this site going man !!!


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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:28 pm

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

I also donated today. I think there are members that are young, some who dont have debit or credit or paypal. but there are a majority of you that could donate such a small amount but rather spend it on something stupid. if your young and can't i understand but if you are 18 or older there is no reason you can't just give a little. i have been unemployed for over a year now and although i have been blessed with unemployment i still have a lot of bills. although i have not ever donated before today, most of you will come to realize that i have just started being active in the forum, therefor i have donated and will try to keep donating when i have more to spare. IF you cant dontate that is fine but maybe you could skip one trip to mcdonalds and help out this amazing forum. just saying.


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Post Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:25 am

Re: Keypicking Finances An idea for $$$

What about a 1 month trial period for new members then if they are happy with the site then they get the option of a $10 contribution, to keep the site going.

Ok it may seem like a pay as you go forum but its not. The amount of knowledge that can be found here is absolutely one of the best ive found on the net. And not just from previous posts but some of the best pickers and lock specialists seem to use this forum. And i dont think that ive ever asked a question about a lock or a technique for openning a lock, without getting a reply.
In my eyes you cant put a price on that sort of info whether a locksmith or like myself a hobbiest. Ive only ben here a couple of months and even i can see lots of new faces coming on board and some with real sound knowledge to pass onto others.

Eveyone can watch youtube and see how its done, i for one got into this by doing just that. But its all the knowledge and ideas that come from others that make me able to pick locks.
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