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Keyring picksets (Home brew)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:44 pm
by nozza36
I saw a homebrew set and thought OMG that's cool so i've been looking
out for feeler gauges at "pound stores" and recently found a shop selling
them , i bought 2 as obviously half of them were going to be too flimsy
to use .
I have ended up with 9 ? for some strange reason on 1 set , the original
nut and bolt no longer fits so i put it on a key ring .
I went through 4 (Dremel type) cutting wheels making 5 cool picks ,
of which i'm very pleased , and now only have 3 left and 4 blanks to shape
to complete the set.
I recommend this to anyone as the end product is both tidy and
professional looking , just hard on cutting wheels guys ! :P

Re: Keyring picksets (Home brew)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:18 pm
by HallisChalmers
nozza36 wrote:I saw a homebrew set and thought OMG that's cool so i've been looking
out for feeler gauges at "pound stores" and recently found a shop selling
them , i bought 2 as obviously half of them were going to be too flimsy
to use .
I have ended up with 9 ? for some strange reason on 1 set , the original
nut and bolt no longer fits so i put it on a key ring .
I went through 4 (Dremel type) cutting wheels making 5 cool picks ,
of which i'm very pleased , and now only have 3 left and 4 blanks to shape
to complete the set.
I recommend this to anyone as the end product is both tidy and
professional looking , just hard on cutting wheels guys ! :P

Keyring pickset + Tutorial = KLOM Pickgun Competition entry!

Re: Keyring picksets (Home brew)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:30 pm
by nozza36
I know , Hallis but i couldn't even do my own Avater , so loading video
or pictures still puzzles me .
I do intend to enlist help soon , so that i can show all the gang
my efforts , as this is the 1st time i've made something which
has a "well crafted look" !

Re: Keyring picksets (Home brew)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:49 pm
by nozza36
A couple of months has passed since i put my set together ,
and i was initially pleased with the overall "look" but upon
using them i found them awkward to use , leaving me wanting
in the feedback area , although now i have found an easier way to hold them ; i now hold 'em like a corkscrew/T-Bar with the main body
running down my palm , several picks at 180 degrees and the chosen
pick sitting below my index finger , braced with my thumb .
This may sound daft but it works (for me) so i just bought 2
more feeler gauges to make more picks , this time i'll keep the
very flimsy ones to use as shims, not my idea just a good tip
(1 of many on this cool site ) from another guy more on the ball
than me !