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Another question

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:00 pm
by Gonewild
Hey again everyone!! I'm curious to know if anyone else had problems starting off lock picking, for example, I can't to save my life, pick a master 3. I can't even rake them. I see all the videos of people raking them in half a second, and others, like wiz for example, spp them in 10 sec. I hope i am not the only one who had problems starting off. I am so dam anxious to break through the "barrier" of starting off. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks again.. Gonewild JR

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:28 pm
by the lockpickkid
Yes, everybody had problems when they first started, I for one, was on here and other sites complaining about Master locks all the time, now most of them pop open rather easy, it just gets easier the more you practice, you get the right tension, and the right tools, and you just do it, it gets to be that easy for some of these locks. But listen I still struggle with some easy locks every once in a while, and so does everybody else. Just keep practicing. I myself have probably picked locks for at least an hour or more everyday for the past year or so, thats what makes you good. Just don't give up, that would be stupid, we see people come and go on here because they give up and its a shame because most anybody can do it if they just keep trying.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:35 pm
by Gonewild
lockpickkid, thanks again.. its always nice to hear a good word from an advanced Lper. I wont be one of those passer byers you speak of. So any and all advice will be for good reason, then one day hopefully i can post advice and my own videos.. That is my goal by the way, to one day post a good video on this website that people can learn from.. thanks again.. Gonewild JR

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:57 pm
by the lockpickkid
You will always get good advice on this forum from all our members. By the way, I can pick a lot of locks, but I am by no means advanced! but thanks! And for the record, I have never posted a video of me picking locks yet, I will, I just can't get the camera to work for video, that damb thing is hard for me to understand, but when I do it will be fun I am sure of that.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:28 am
by HallisChalmers
Gonewild wrote:Hey again everyone!! I'm curious to know if anyone else had problems starting off lock picking, for example, I can't to save my life, pick a master 3. I can't even rake them. I see all the videos of people raking them in half a second, and others, like wiz for example, spp them in 10 sec. I hope i am not the only one who had problems starting off. I am so dam anxious to break through the "barrier" of starting off. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks again.. Gonewild JR


With a Master 3?

Ha! I can't tell you how many dings I have on my desk from beating the damn things on the desktop when I couldn't open them. Being the obsessive compulsive bastard that I am I kept at it.

One day, after watching vids on YouTube it all clicked.

And then came my American 1105 dry spell. After getting bored with Master 3's, I boought some 1105's on eBay. I pretty much had to relearn everything, as the American was a totally different lock compared to the Master 3.

Tighter tolerances, serrated and spoorated pins, a nightmare! But again, after hacking away for some time (months)) I got it.

But you see - that is the beauty of it. Each time you succeed, the brain processes that endorphin high. You start acquiring the ability to process the feedback you are feeling through your fingers and you slowly, but surely begin improving.

Once you get all of the feedback from your eyes, fingers, in sync - your brain goes into it's own little bubble - blocking all the BS around you.

Tachypsychia - you zone out like Keanu Reeves in the f_cking Matrix. You feel like donning a black trenchcoat and start dodging bullets.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:31 am
by Gonewild
HAHA thanks a lot guys. I guess i am not alone then.. I dont have any dings in my desk yet, but my blood pressure has shot through the roof a few times. I am the same way though, ill keep on till i get it. I guess Lping is like fishing or golfing, u wait all day and swear youll never go again, until right before you leave, u catch that fish, or sink that long putt.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:10 am
by HallisChalmers
Gonewild wrote:HAHA thanks a lot guys. I guess i am not alone then.. I dont have any dings in my desk yet, but my blood pressure has shot through the roof a few times. I am the same way though, ill keep on till i get it. I guess Lping is like fishing or golfing, u wait all day and swear youll never go again, until right before you leave, u catch that fish, or sink that long putt.

I don't know about everybody else, Gonewild, but I did a helluva a lot of crawling on my belly like some kind of obese, heart-attack prone, garter snake before I could even consider walking on my hind legs within the lockpicking realm.

And every so often (quite often actually) I'll run into a lock that knocks my johnson back in the dirt.

But, I keep coming back. I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:06 am
by Gonewild
Heh, you might need to check your blood pressure yourself haha..

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 11:54 am
by the lockpickkid
When I first started picking with the Masters, I would work at it forever and I would swear that the lock was broke as I found most of mine and they were all really used, I don't know how many I cut open to find out that most of them were in good working condition. The stupid things you do when you start out. I have picked until my fingers were so sore that I couldn't pick for a week or so, lost all feeling in them. You get a few locks under your belt and you will feel more confident, I think this helps as well, when you start picking a new lock pick it like you know you can get it open, don't think in your mind that I am going to try to pick this but I think I can't, just do it and don't let any locks scare you, just try to pick them, It's like when I picked my first Best lock, I wanted it open and I opened it, first time took maybe 1 minute, I was scared of it, being a Best and all that I had read about them, but in the end it was just a lock.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:31 pm
by HallisChalmers
Master locks are notoriously sloppy. They are built with the loose tolerances of a crack ho.

If you notice when you are trying to SPP the lock - or even rake it for that matter - how loosely fit the whole thing is put together?

Take a look at how much play there is in the cylinder compared to a Yale, or American, ASSA, or any other decent lock. Just raking it jiggles and bounces the entire core and plug inside the housing. Ptui......... :P

There really is no comparison. :roll:

Although Master 3's seem to be "gateway" lock that leads to the harder stuff, you need to get past those junky locks and move on to the good locks. You end up learning some bad habits with those Master 3's that will come back to haunt you when you move up to the tighter tolerances of quality hardware.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:05 pm
by the lockpickkid
Some of the high end Masters, the pucks and the like are modeled on American locks or vice versa "same company" and they are made a little better and sometimes are harder to pick.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:07 pm
by Gonewild
Ya, I have noticed how poorly designed some of the master ares, especially the #3. Right out of the package the core was bouncing and made it hard for me to find a good fit for a tension wrench. However, on the way to the beach, on the long ride, i managed to pick a Master 140, i was so exited when i heard the lock pop. I broke a pic and bent another, but damit i got it open. Took about 20 min of fiddling around with it.. Everyone in the car was wondering why the heck i was hollering and doing a few "fist pumps" haha.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:55 pm
by the lockpickkid
Congrats on that 140! Breaking picks isn't as uncommon as people think, but you need to lighten up on them a bit! If you broke one and bent another your using a little more than average force. Like Hallis said " Make love to them" !! After you lighten up on the force excerted on your picks you may find that you are more successful picking.

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:10 pm
by Riff
Gonewild wrote:Ya, I have noticed how poorly designed some of the master ares, especially the #3. Right out of the package the core was bouncing and made it hard for me to find a good fit for a tension wrench. However, on the way to the beach, on the long ride, i managed to pick a Master 140, i was so exited when i heard the lock pop. I broke a pic and bent another, but damit i got it open. Took about 20 min of fiddling around with it.. Everyone in the car was wondering why the heck i was hollering and doing a few "fist pumps" haha.

Hey man, I'm just starting out too. I've been at it for about 3 months I guess. I started out on master 3's myself. You defenitely should NOT be bending or breaking anything. All you are doing is ruining your tools and getting way to worked up. Which is very bad for picking. All the tension you need to use is about the weight of a couple of coins. I forget who said that, but that put things in perspective for me. I suspect you are using heavy tension, which is causing you to use the death grip on the pick and bend and break them. When you put very heavy tension like that you are putting pins in a bind. You see, which makes you have to use way to much force with your pick when picking up the pins. Maybe go pick up another master 3 with a very easy bitting. U can see the key before you buy the lock. Easy bitting is a key that looks all "even". All of the cuts are close to the same heigth. That's what I did. Then I went out and got another one with a bit more crazy bitting. High cuts mixed in with low cuts. What kinda tools are you using?????? Hope this helps and anyone please correct me if I posted anything wrong. Riff :mrgreen:

Re: Another question

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:29 pm
by Gonewild
Thanks riff. Your absolutely right, I had too much tension. I knew it didn't feel right when i did it. Does that still count as a pick? God i hope so cause i felt so good when i did it. I have a slim line set, and the same set thats not slim line. Same picks just not as small. My fingers hurt like hell when i was done too. When i wasn't applying much tension, i could never get the first 2 to set. I tried everything, only way was to put lots of tension. Ill mess around with it a bit more, thanks again everyone.