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Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:28 pm
by oldbiscuit
Well finally, this is my 100th post, so I thought I'de post a picture of one of my oddball push key padlocks. This lock is unusual in that the key is cupped and goes in in a arch. There are no names or wording on the lock or key, but it works great. Hope you all enjoy the pics. Mark

Re: Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:37 pm
by MrWizard
Congrads on the 100th post!
That is a very different push key padlock never seen one of those.
Looks like it has some weight to it.
I like the large rivet look.
Very nice thanks for showing it.


Re: Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:57 am
by femurat
Happy 100th-post-day to you!

And thanks for the padlock and key pictures.

Cheers :)

Re: Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:45 am
by rai
I went to to see if it could be found in some way, but they wanted me to sign up and be a member so I backed out.
I don't need any new passwords or memberships I will seldom participate in.

Re: Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:23 pm
by escher7
rai wrote:I went to to see if it could be found in some way, but they wanted me to sign up and be a member so I backed out.
I don't need any new passwords or memberships I will seldom participate in.

I have a membership so I requested info on it. I will let you know.

Follow up:
Riyame advises that OldBiscuit is a major contributor to Antique, but it seemed apparent to me that when he said there were no markings on the lock he was looking for information. Perhaps not.

Re: Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:04 am
by MrWizard
rai wrote:I went to to see if it could be found in some way, but they wanted me to sign up and be a member so I backed out.
I don't need any new passwords or memberships I will seldom participate in.

I am also a member of It's like here a resource of information when you need it. Just because you may not participle often joining cost you nothing but a few minutes of your time. If you can't find what you want here or LP101 there are many other places that may have what you need. I wouldn't let the fact you might not go somewhere often be a deterrent from joining as it is one more source to draw from. I have found people there and other sites that have had different experiences that otherwise would not be able to be shared if I hadn't joined even though I don't go there much it is one more place to look when you need it. Can't hurt to give it a try. :mrgreen:


Re: Oddball push key padlock

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:05 pm
by oldbiscuit
Rai, I've been a member of Antique-locks forum since 2007, and like others have said,it's free !. I usually will post the same locks on both forums (here and there), even though I know alot of the viewers are members of both forums. But what I'm gambling on is that person out there who's surfing the internet looking for info on padlocks and might stumble on either one or both of these wonderful forums, that might have info that they might share. I figure the more places I post the same pictures the better the chances are. But really the main reason I've been posting my padlocks on here is for all of your enjoyment and mine. There's a great amount of satisfaction as a collector when you find that hard to find or rare padlock. But once you have it and display it, it's kind of a let down, because the hunt is over. But taking them out and showing them off for others to enjoy gives me a lot of pride and satisfaction. :mrgreen: